
Cards (33)

  • Annulus is a ring, or circular band, found on the stipe, or stalk, of some mushrooms.
  • Basidiospore is a sexual spore borne on a basidium.
  • Basidium (-ia) is a terminal cell that bears terminal basidiospores (typically 4) formed following karyogamy and meiosis.
  • Basidiocarp is a fruit body that bears basidia and basidiospores.
  • Bifactorial mating, also called tetrapolar, is when sexual compatibility is determined by two genes, with two alleles at each locus.
  • Brown rot is decay that removes the cellulose and hemicellulose components of wood, leaving the brown colored lignin.
  • Chiastobasidium is a type of basidium whereby nuclear division occurs transverse to the long axis.
  • Clamp connection is a small lateral bridge that arches over the septum of two adjoining cells; associated with secondary mycelium.
  • Cortina is a cobwebby remnant of the partial veil found in some mushrooms.
  • Dolipore septum is a septum that flares in the middle forming a barrel shaped structure that surrounds a central septal pore.
  • Gleba is the inner spore bearing tissue of a gasteromycete or hypogeous fruit body.
  • Gloeoplerous is a thin walled hypha with very long cells and many oil droplets.
  • Hymenium is the spore bearing layer.
  • Heterothallic is when sexuallycompatible nuclei arise from different parents; self sterile.
  • Holobasidium is a basidium whereby nuclear division is not followed by septation; a 1 celled basidium.
  • Hyphal body is a portion of mycelium that is fragmented from the rest of thallus.
  • Hypogeous means occurring underground.
  • Metabasidium is the stage in basidium development where meiosis occurs.
  • Peridiole is a structure with gleba that is walled off and functions as a dispersal unit.
  • Peridium is the outer wall of a fruit body.
  • Phragmobasidium is a basidium which is divided by septa, usually transverse.
  • Pileus is the cap of a mushroom.
  • Pleomorphic means having more than one spore stage in its life cycle.
  • Polyphyletic means not sharing a common ancestor.
  • Resupinate means laying flat on a substrate.
  • Septal pore cap is a curved double membrane arching over a septal pore.
  • Septum (-ta) is a cross wall.
  • Sterigma (-ata) is a small hyphal branch that supports a basidiospore.
  • Stipe is the stalk of a mushroom.
  • Teliospore is a thick walled resting spore in which karyogamy occurs in rusts and smuts.
  • Unifactorial mating, also called bipolar, is when sexual compatibility is determined by a single gene with two alleles.
  • Volva is the remnants of a universal veil found at the base of the stipe of some mushrooms.
  • White rot is decay that selectively removes the lignin component of wood (delignification) or degrades lignin and other polysaccharides.