Male puberty involves body hair, growth in the penis, sperm production, a deeper voice and increased muscle growth.
Female puberty involves body hair, breast tissue, menstrual cycle, and the widening of the hips.
Gland: pituitary
TT: Ovarianfollicle
E: stimulate ovarian follicle to mature.
G: Pituitary
TT: ovarian follicle
E: stimulate rupture of mature follicle, releasing egg.
G: ovaries
PTT: uterus
PE: uteruslining to thicken
STT: pituitary gland
SE: inhibits FSH, promotes LH
G: corpus luteum
PTT: pituitarygland
PE: inhibits further release of FSH and LH
STT: uterus
SE: maintains uteruslining.
The mixed pill, mini pill, implant and intrauterine methods all contain oestrogen and progesterone to inhibit FSH release and ensure maturation does not occur in the cycle. This could lead to raised blood pressure, thrombosis and breastcancer.
Chemical methods can be placed into the vagina prior to sex to kill or disable sperm [spermicide]
Barrier methods physically prevent sperm from entering the vagina.
You may be infertile if you have endometriosis, a low sperm count or you have irregular periods.