The Endocrine System

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  • The endocrine system involves gland and hormones.
  • A hormone is a protein chemical which binds to the receptors of its target tissue to cause a biological response.
  • Hormones are transported via the bloodstream.
  • Hormone responses have a greater longevity [lasting period] because they remain bound to their target tissue for lots of time. Also they are transported via the blood stream which is slower and takes longer to break down.
  • The pituitary gland is a master gland, releasing ADH, growth hormone, FSH, TSH and LH.
  • ADH - anti-diuretic hormone which controls the amount of urine produced in the kidney [target tissue]
  • Growth hormone controls the rate of growth in children [via cell division].
  • LH [luteinizing hormone] stimulates ovulation [release of an egg].
  • TSH stimulates the thyroid gland to make thyroxine.
  • FSH stimulates the ovarian follicle to mature and release an egg and release oestrogen.
  • The adrenal gland releases adrenaline.
  • The thyroid controls the basal metabolic rate of the body via thyroxine.
  • The pancreas uses insulin and glucagon to control blood glucose levels.
  • The ovaries control the development of female secondary sexual characteristics and is involved in the menstrual cycle. Releases oestrogen to prepare the uterus for possible pregnancy.
  • The testes control the development of male secondary sexual characteristics and is involved in the production of sperm via testosterone.
  • Adrenaline is secreted from the adrenal gland when a person is scared or excited.
  • Adrenaline
    • increase heart rate
    • increase breathing rate
    • decreased pain perception
    • pupil dilation
  • Adrenaline's target tissue is the heart's pacemaker.