Electrolytes 1

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  • An electrolyte is a compound that dissociates into ions when dissolved in water.
  • Water and electrolyte balance is associated with excretion - animals produce urine to excrete waste and this leads to water loss.
  • Electrolytes and water move through organisms by diffusion and osmosis respectively.
  • Osmosis
    • Movement of water down its concentration gradient across a semipermeable membrane
    • Water moves quickly across lipid bilayers
    • Special case of diffusion called osmosis
    • Only occurs across selectively permeable membranes
    • A solution’s osmolarity is the concentration of solutes in a solution, measured in osmoses/litre
  • Osmotic Stress
    • Occurs when concentration of dissolved substances in a cell or tissue is abnormal
    • Osmoregulation is the process by which organisms control the concentration of water and solutes within their bodies
    • Organisms such as sponges and jellyfish do not osmoregulate
    • Seawater nearly matches the electrolyte concentrations found within these animals - osmoconformers
    • Seawater is isosmotic in comparison to the cells and tissues (concentrations equal)
    • Osmoregulation is required in marine vertebrates because seawater is hyperosmotic to their tissues
  • Osmotic Stress in Seawater
    • Water tends to flow by osmosis out of the gill epithelium - marine fishes must replace the water or cells will shrivel and die
    • Marine fishes must drink large amounts of water to replace the loss of water, which also brings more electrolytes
    • To rid themselves of these excess electrolytes, marine bony fishes actively pump ions out into the seawater
    • Membrane proteins in the gill epithelium carry out this process
    • The fishes also lose electrolytes by excreting small quantities of highly concentrated urine
  • Osmotic Stress in Fresh Water
    • Freshwater animals are under stress cause they gain water and lose solutes
    • Freshwater is hyposmotic to fish tissues
    • If fish does not get rid of incoming water, its cells will burst and it will die
    • To achieve homeostasis, they excrete large amounts of water in their urine and don’t drink
    • Electrolytes diffuse out of the gill epithelium into the environment
    • The fishes replace electrolytes by eating food or actively transporting them into the body
  • Osmotic Stress on Land
    • Terrestrial animals constantly lose water to the environment by evaporation
    • Epithelial cells in respiratory structures have a moist surface to promote gas exchange
    • But this allows for a large amount of water loss through evaporation
    • There is a trade-off between gas exchange and osmoregulation
    • Animals replace loss of water by drinking, ingesting water from food, or by metabolic pathways
  • Electrolyte Transport Across Cell Membranes
    • There are no known mechanisms for actively transporting water across membranes
    • Cells use pumps to transport ions to set up osmotic gradients - water follows by osmosis often through aquaporins
  • Marine Fish and Osmoregulation
    • Shark rectal gland secretes a concentrated salt solution
    • Early experiments show that normal salt excretion occurred only in the solution in the rectal gland contained ATP
    • Salt excretion is a multistep process:
    1. Na+/K+-ATPase pumps Na+ out of the epithelia cells across the basolateral surface into the interstitial fluid.
    2. Na+, Cl−, and K+ enter the cell, powered by the Na+ gradient.
    3. Chloride channels allow Cl− to diffuse down its concentration gradient into the lumen of the gland located in the apical membrane.
    4. Na+ diffuses into the lumen of the gland, following its electrochemical gradient.
  • In many animals, epithelial cells that transport Na+ and Cl− have the same membrane proteins as found in the shark rectal gland
    • These species include:
    • Marine birds and reptiles that drink salt water and excrete NaCl via glands in their nostrils
    • Marine fish that excrete salt from their gills – Mammals that transport salt in their kidneys
  • Salt Excretion
    • Research on the shark rectal gland also had an unforeseen benefit for biomedical research
    • A human protein called cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) was identified and found to be 80% identical to the shark chloride channel
    • Subsequent studies supported the hypothesis that cystic fibrosis results from a defect in a chloride channel
  • Kidney
    • Osmoregulation occurs primarily through events that take place in the kidney (in land-dwelling vertebrates)
    • Kidney is responsible for water and electrolyte balance as well as the excretion of nitrogenous wastes
    • General principles of kidney function:
    • Water is not pumped directly - it moves via osmotic gradients set up by active transport of ions
    • The formation of the filtrate is not particularly selective
    • In contrast to filtrate formation, reabsorption is highly selective for certain molecules and ions
    • Any remaining waste products are then eliminated with the feces
    • In contrast to filtrate formation, reabsorption is tightly regulated in response to osmotic stress
    • General principles of kidney function:
    • Water is not pumped directly - it moves via osmotic gradients set up by active transport of ions
    • The formation of the filtrate is not particularly selective
    • In contrast to filtrate formation, reabsorption is highly selective for certain molecules and ions
    • Any remaining waste products are then eliminated with the feces
    • In contrast to filtrate formation, reabsorption is tightly regulated in response to osmotic stress
  • Kidney Structure
    • Renal artery brings blood containing nitrogenous wastes into the kidney
    • Renal vein carries cleaned blood away
    • Urine formed in kidney is transported via ureter to bladder
    • Most of kidney’s mass is made up of nephrons
    • Nephron is responsible for water and electrolyte balance
    • Most of the nephrons are located in the outer region of the kidney (cortex) - some extend into the kidney’s inner region (medulla)
  • Kidney Function
    • Water cannot be transported actively - crosses membrane by osmosis
    • To move water, cells in kidney set up strong osmotic gradients in the interstitial fluid surrounding the nephrons
    • By regulating these gradients and specific channel proteins, kidney cells exert precise control over loss or retention of water and electrolytes
  • Nephrons have four major regions and are closely associated with a collecting duct:
    • Renal corpuscle - filters blood, forming a filtrate consisting of ions, nutrients, wastes, and water
    • Proximal tubule has epithelial cells that reabsorb nutrients, ions, and water from the filtrate into the blood
    • The loop of Henle establishes a strong osmotic gradient in the interstitial fluid surrounding the loop
    • The distal tubule reabsorbs ions and water in a way that helps maintain water and electrolyte balance
    • The collecting duct, may reabsorb more water to maintain homeostasis
  • Urea moves from the urine to the interstitial fluid at the base of the collecting duct contributing to the osmotic gradient set up by the loop of Henle.
  • Renal Corpuscle
    • Urine formation begins here, which is made up of the glomerulus and Bowman’s capsule
    • The glomerulus is a cluster of capillaries that bring blood to the nephron from the renal artery
    • The Bowman’s capsule is the region of the nephron that surrounds the glomerulus
    • Glomerular capillaries have large pores surrounded by cells whose membranes fold into a series of slits and ridges
  • Renal Corpuscle (Part 2)
    • Filtration is based on size
    • Larger molecules remain in the blood and cannot enter the nephron
    • Blood pressure supplies the force to perform filtration
    • Forcing water and small solutes through the pores
    • This allows the renal corpuscle to strain large volumes of fluid without expending energy
  • Renal Corpuscle (Part 3)
    • The renal corpuscles of a human kidney are capable of producing about 180 litres of filtrate per day
    • About 99% of the filtrate is reabsorbed—only a tiny fraction of the original volume is actually excreted
    • Filtering large volumes from the blood allows wastes to be removed effectively
    • Pairing this process with reabsorption allows waste excretion to occur with a minimum of water and nutrient loss