Cards (12)

  • Turnout in general election low in recent years - 2001 it was 59.4%
    2024 - 59.7%
  • Turnout for referendums low too - 42.4% AV
    Turnout for elected mayor London referendum - 34.4%
  • 2019 turnout 67.3%, voting was very high in crucial referendums e.g EU-72.2% Scottish independence - 84.6%
  • Decrease in party membership - Conservative 2.8 million in 1950 but 172,000 in 2022, highlights mistrust - expenses scandal, floating voters
  • Increase support in 2015 for smaller parties e.g UKIP, SNP which offered dramatic change, GREEN 50000 2016
    in 2018 Labour increased in membership because of Corbyn youth quake
  • Clicktivism
    Low effort, low level of participation - doesn't make any changes
  • Not many e-petitions are successful
  • Lots of people don't really know politics so don't vote
  • Social media is a tool to express opinions

    1. petitions like Marcus Rashford free school meals, Brexit referendum had 4 million signatures
  • Voter turnout even lower for second order (regional/local) elections
    Police Crime and Comissions election 2012 15%
  • Voter turnout for second order elections increased
    2021 - 33%
  • Expenses scandal 2009
    MP including Luton’s used taxes to treat dry rot in second home in southampton