Direct & Representative democracy

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  • Direct democracy
    When people express their opinions themselves rather than a representative doing it for them
  • Direct democracy

    • Referendums
    • E-petitions
  • Advantages of direct democracy
    • Legitimacy to political decisions since people decide themselves
    • Decisive and avoids excessive debate
    • Decisions made by people can't be overturned by leaders
  • Disadvantages of direct democracy
    • Issues may be too complex for people to judge
    • People may be swayed in judgement through emotional appeals and false claims - not enough info to make rational decision
    • People can't be held accountable for their decisions
  • Representative democracy
    Voters elect politicians to make decisions on their behalf
  • Advantages of representative democracy
    • Politicians have expert knowledge and experience
    • Politicians are more rational and not swayed in judgement
    • Politicians are democratically accountable and behave in responsible way
  • Disadvantages of representative democracy
    • MPs may be more interested in party politics than national interest
    • Parties elect MPs, control over members
    • No guarantee that MPs reflect view of constituents
    • FPTP produces highly unrepresentative vote
  • reforms to strengthen participation
    • Reducing the voting age to 16
    • Compulsory voting
    • Greater use of direct democracy, such as referendums and recall and e-petitions
    • Introduction of e-voting
    • Constitutional reform, such as the House of Lords reform
    • A change to the voting system to proportional representation