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  • Held et al 1999 - Globalisation: 
    ‘The widening, deepening and speeding up of worldwide interconnectedness in all aspects of life, from the cultural to the criminal, the financial to the spiritual’
  • Held et al 1999: There has been a globalisation of crime, an interconnectedness of crime across national borders. Spread of transnational organised crime.
  • Castells 1998: global criminal economy worth over £1 trillion per annum
  • Columbia20% of the population rely upon cocaine production. Cocaine outsells all of Colombia’s other exports combined.
  • Globalisation has created new insecurities and produces a new mentality of ‘risk consciousness’ where risk is seen as global and thus not tied to a specific place.
  • fears surrounding migrants seeking employment have given rise to anxieties among westerners about the risk of crime and disorder and the need to protect their borders. Media exaggerates these perceived dangers by creating ‘moral panics’ surrounding a supposed threat.
  • One result is the intensification of social control at the national level. The UK has now toughened border control - fining airlines if they bring in undocumented passengers. UK no legal limit on how long a person can be held in immigration detention