Cards (7)

  • Literature reflects the society, its good values and its ills, with a view of realizing its mistakes and making amendments and serves as a pool of values.
  • Literature is an acronym based on the leadership theories of Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus.
  • VUCA world is an acronym for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity.
  • Volatility in a VUCA world is the speed of change in an industry, market or the world in general.
  • Uncertainty in a VUCA world is the extent to which we can confidently predict the future, uncertain environments are those that don't allow any prediction.
  • Complexity in a VUCA world is the number of factors that we need to take into account, the more factors the greater their variety and the more they are interconnected, the more complex an environment is.
  • Ambiguity in a VUCA world is the lack of clarity about how to interpret something, a situation is ambiguous when information is incomplete, contradicting or too inaccurate to draw clear conclusions.