Fertility/ Conception

Cards (12)

  • Parasympathetic Innervation of Penis?
    Mediator of erections
    From sacral segments
    Release NO and Ach
  • Sympathetic Innervation of Penis?
    T12- L2 in nerve plexus'
    Responsible for ejaculation
  • Sensory Innervation of Penis?
    Entire penis, especially glans
    From pudendal nerve
  • Erection?
    Parasympathetic from cavernous nerve release NO to dilate vessels
    Cavernous pressure increases so compression of venous drainage
  • Ejaculation?
    Seminal fluid in external urethra signals from pudendal nerve enter sacral cord
    Synapse in spinal cord in Onuf's nucleus
    Pundenal nerve innervates muscles which contract to expel semen
  • Erectile tissue in females = between opening of vagina and head of clitoris
  • Parasympathetic to female genitalia?
    S2-4 release Ach and NO to cause vasodilation and engorgement to add in attachment of penis and innervation of Bartholian glands
  • Stimulation of female external genitalia results in reflex motor activation from Onuf's nucleus
  • During menstruation Lactobacillus in vagina produces lactic acid giving vagina pH of 4.5
  • Seminal fluid contains fructose to give energy to sperm and can neutralise acidic environment of vagina
  • Sperm enter upper vagina and uterine contractions propel sperm to fallopian tubes to ampulla for fertilisation
  • Head of sperm (acrosome) contains enzymes which degrade corona radiata allowing sperm to access zona pellucida causing Ca spike to stop further fertilisation