a set of hardware, software, data, people, and procedures that work together to produce information
Information Technology (IT)
the computers and other electronic devices used to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data
Management Information Systems (MIS)
A business function, like accounting and human resources, which moves information about people, products, and processes across the company to facilitate decision-making and problem-solving
Tools and Techniques for data driven decision making
Computer Science
Why does the tech work?
Information Technology (IT)
How does the tech work?
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Which Tech would work best?
Technical Approach
This socio-technical view focuses on the mathematical based models, such as, computer science, management science, etc.
Behavioural Approach
this socio-technical view focuses on the behavioural issues, such as, Psychology, economics, sociology
Input, Processing, Output
The three core activities of information systems
> The ability to tap into collective intelligence> Relies on user-generated and user-controlled content> Lightweight programming tech let anyone become a website developer> Can be easily adapted to meet changing needs
Characteristics of Web2.0
user-generated content
Various forms of media content that are publicly available and created by end-user
refers to applications on the web that allow users to interact to user generated content, design, and callobration; includes the function of social media websites
> Needs to be published either on a public website or a social networking site accessible to a select group> Needs to show a certain amount of creative effort> Needs to be created outside of professional practices
3 Basic Requirements for User-Generated Content
Functional Information System
System for processing payroll
Transaction Processing System (TPS)
Walmart self checkout
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Oracle, Sap system
Social Media
a group of internet based application that builds on the ideological and technological foundations of Web2.0, and allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content
> allows businesses to engage with customers, prospects, partners and networks> create opportunity by communicating and sharing information> manage reputation
Social media implications for business
Structured Data
information with a high degree of organization, such that inclusion in a relational database is seamless and readily searchable by simple, straightforward search engine algorithms or other search operations
unstructured data
nonnumeric information that is typically formatted in a way that is meant for human eyes and not easily understood by computers
Traditional Approach
The data analysis approach in which business users determine what questions to ask and then the information technology structures the data to answer the question
Big Data Approach
the data analysis approach in which information technology delivers a platform to enable creative discovery then business users explore which questions can be asked.
volume, variety, velocity, veracity
The four V's of Data analysis challenges:
Social Networking Analysis (SNA)
measuring of relationships and flow between people, groups, organizations, computers, or other information or knowledge processing entities.
a group of two or more people and/or computer systems linked together
social commerce
social interactions and user contributions allow customers to participate actively in the marketing and selling of products and services in online market places and communities
End-users, Use cases, Functionality
Three factors that cause social media to fluctuate
Objective, Tactics, Metrics
Components of Social media Strategies
Measurements that evaluate results to determine whether a project is meeting its goals
Customers, Sharing, Who, and Brand alignment are components of which components of social media strategy
Classic Objective
Increase sales, decrease expenses, improve ROI
Social Objective
Engagement, influence, advocacy, personalization
Plan, Do, Check, Act
What is the framework for strategy?
Activity Metrics
which type of metrics involves page views, unique number of visitors, and time spent on site.
Return on Investment (ROI)
Which type of metrics involve sales and marketing
Tactical Metrics
this is an example of which type of metrics:"increase traffic to our website by 10%"
Strategic metrics
This metric involves consumers responses
Which Web is the users not involved
Social networking sites, Video sharing sites and wikis are examples of what?