Refers to the idea that countless alternatives to self expression neuters identify formation.
Means that someone's identity is completely unknown. Any statements or writings made by an anonymous person cannot be associated with the individual who actually made them.
Is the use of a different name from your real name, especially on something you have written.
Has an expression of "see you when I see you". Which john suller posits that cause online disinhibition.
An example of performance in activities to certain situations in Erving Goffman's dramaturgical self is someone who expresses meaning about herself and participate in front of others.
An example of a person who lives in a Virtual Reality is someone who spends much of their time in meeting friends through social media and engaging himself or herself in playing online games. Then create an avatar to represent himself/herself.
Is an element of abstraction that represent the uncanny representations of real-world aspects and can also be used for instruction.
Is an element of abstraction that represent the uncanny representations of real-world aspects and can also be used for instruction.