Florence Nightingale envisioned nurses as a body of educated nurses.
Ernestine Wiedenbach, influenced by Ida Orlando, developed the concept of The Helping Art of Nursing.
Virginia Henderson developed Nursing Need Theory and is considered the foremost nurse of the 20th century.
Fay Glenn Abdellah developed 21 Nursing Problems, based on a problem-solving method, and is the country’s leading researcher in health.
Dorothea Elizabeth Orem developed Self Care Theory, a mid-range theory, and is a member of a curriculum subcommittee at a Catholic unit.
Myra Estrin Levin focused on Nursing as Human Interaction and developed the Conservation Model Theory.
Jean Watson developed the Theory of Human Caring, emphasizing humanistic aspects, and is a middle-range theory.
Nola Pender developed the Health Promotion Model, which aims overall health promotion.
Ingestive Subsystem in BSM has to do with what, how much, how.
Person in Nursing is a holistic human adaptive system.
Normal LOD in Betty Neuman's theory is the usual state of LOD.
Prevention in Betty Neuman's theory is primary nursing intervention.
Achievement Subsystem in BSM is to control an aspect of self.
Major Concepts in Nursing include Person, self concept, Health, pursuit health through life span, Health promotion, client behaviour toward developing well being, Health protection, client behaviour toward preventing illness, Environment, comfortable, Nursing promote wellness by health promote education.
LOD in Betty Neuman's theory includes Line of Resistance (LOR), which is a series of concentric circles.
Attachment Subsystem in BSM is the most critical.
Dorothy Johnson developed the Behavioral System Model based on Nightingale’s belief that nursing’s goal is to help individuals prevent from disease.
Subsystems in BSM are interrelated parts that function together to form a whole.
Entrophy in Betty Neuman's theory is the process of energy depletion.
Imogene King is the founder of King International Group and developed the Goal Attainment Theory.
LOR in Betty Neuman's theory is a series of concentric circles.
Dependency Subsystem in BSM promotes helping behaviour.
Aggressive Subsystem in BSM is protective and preservation.
Nursing in Imogene King's theory is a unique profession concerned with all variables.
Major Concept of Betty Neuman's theory is Content, which comprises the whole client system.
Flexible LOD in Betty Neuman's theory is protective.
Stressors in Betty Neuman's theory are environmental factors.
Sexual Subsystem in BSM has dual functions.
Environment in Imogene King's theory consists of factors that are not part of BMS.
Eliminate Subsystem in BSM is when, how and under conditions.
Health in Imogene King's theory is equated with wellness.
Key Concepts in Nursing include Individual Experiences, Behavior Specific Affect, Behavioral Outcomes.
Betty Neuman developed the Systems Model Theory with LOD (Line of Defense) as a major concept.
Environment in Nursing stimulates the person to make adaptive responses.
Functional requirments for BSM include Protection, Nurturance, Stimulation.
Health in Nursing is a state and process of becoming integrated and a whole.
Major Concept of Imogene King's theory is Person, which is a multidimensional being.
Nursing is a significant therapeutic interpersonal process.
Human in nursing is a person existing in an open system.
Preposition in nursing is if goals are achieved, satisfaction happens.