Unit 1- Post Classical Period

Cards (11)

  • Genghis Khan founded the Mongol Empire in 1206 CE.
  • Mongols were skilled horsemen, archers, and warriors who conquered much of Asia and Eastern Europe.
  • The Mongol Empire was the largest contiguous empire in history.
  • Song Dynasty: 960-1279, utilized traditional methods of Confucianism and imperial bureaucracy to maintain and justify its rule.
  • Confucian social hierarch:
    1. Emperor/Empresses
    2. Confucian Scholar Gentry
    3. Aristocracy
    4. Peasant Farmers & Artisans
    5. Merchants
  • Emperors‘ leadership was divine Mandate of Heaven
  • Tang Dynasty: 618-907, known as the golden age of Chinese civilization, embraced Buddhism and Taoism while maintaining Confucian values.
  • Scholar Gentry ran by Chinese bureaucracy, made up of elites who studied Confucianism
  • Tribute System (Kowtow): The Chinese paid tribute to the Mongols in the form of gold and silver, provide gifts, bowing at the Emperor for respect.
  • Confucianism and Taoism are native to China and are philosophies that emphasize the importance of harmony and balance in life.
  • Filial Piety: virtue of exhibiting the proper love and respect for one's parents, elders, and ancestors.