atmospheric conditions at a certain place and time with reference to temperature, pressure, humidity, wind and other key parameters (meteorological elements)
the average weather or the statistical description in terms of the mean and variability of relevant quantities over a period of time ranging from months to thousands or millions of years
Factors of climate:
30 yr average (WorldMeteorologicalOrganization)
Climate change
Change in the state of the climate that can be identified by changes in the mean and/or the variability of its property, and that persists for an extended period
Oxygen Explosion (2.5 Ga - 500 Ma)
The evolution of cyanobacteria, which produced oxygen as a bi-product of photosynthesis, that that O2 levels dramatically increased
Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (55 Ma)
Records show a massive warming of between 5-8 C in just 20 000 years, possibly due to a sudden release of carbon into the atmosphere
Examples of release of carbon into atmosphere:
methane from ocean bed or from within ice structures called clathrates
Natural causes of climate change
Plate tectonics and volcanism
Ocean variability
Solar output and variations
Orbital variations
wobbling of the Earth as it spins on its axis
Eccentricity - Ellipticity of Earth’s orbit
Tilt - Inclination of Earth's axis
23.5 degrees
accounts for the earth's seasons
Glacial period: cold period; time with large sheets in the northern hemisphere
Interglacial period: warm period; time without large ice sheets
Ice growth configuration
low eccentricity
low tilt
large earth-sun distance in summer
net effect: less seasonal contrast
Ice decay configuration:
high eccentricity
high tilt
small earth-sun distance in summer
net effect: warmer summers, cooler winters
The Milankovichcycles include precession (wobble), obliquity (tilt) and eccentricity (elliptical).
Natural greenhouse gases emissions
carbon dioxide
If global volcanism slows, as would be the case when supercontinents stabilize, less atmospheric carbon dioxide would trigger global cooling.
increased volcanism results in more greenhouse warming
Anthropogenic greenhouse gases emissions
produced by humans
Paris agreement
agreement within the UnitedNationsFrameworkConvention on ClimateChange dealing w/ greenhouse gases emissions mitigation, adaptation, finance starting in 2020
High globalland-oceantemperatureindex --> low arcticseaice
Sea level rise is caused by 2 factors related to global warming:
added water from melting ice sheets and glaciers
expansion of seawater as it warms
Responding to climate change:
mitigation - reducing climate change
adaptation - adapting to life in a changing climate
reducing flow of heat-trapping greenhouse gases into atmosphere either by reducing sources of these gases or enhancing "sinks" that accumulate and store these gases
goal of mitigation:
avoid significant human interference with climate system
adjusting to actual or expected future climate
Goal of adaptation:
reduce vulnerability to the harmful effects of climate change
NDRRMC: National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council