where loving and respectful relationships can be formed.a place where children can be brought up with christian values and an understanding of the faith
model family in the bible
mother, father and children
a married couple are faithful and committed to one another.
seventh commandment
do not commit adultery
catechism of the catholic church
the family is the original cell of social life
majority of churches attitude towards importance and purposes of marriage
marriage should only take place between a man and a woman. exclude samesexmarriage. the outward act of marriage is evidence of the spiritualunity that occurs as a couple become united
genesis 2:23-24
a man leaves his father and mother and is united with his wife, and they become one flesh
beliefs about promises made in marriage ceremony
the promises are for life and shouldn't be broken. the binding nature of marriage is reinforced by jesus
mark 10:9
man must not separate what God has joined together
link to god in marriage ceremonies
vows made in the service are not just between the man and woman but also between the couple and god.
mark 4:12
a cord of three strands is not quickly broken
three strands
the two people getting married and god.
3 blessings offered by marriage
creation and nurture of children. the correct place for sexual relations. help and comfort during all aspects of life
catholic church teaching about marriage
the act of marriage creates a unique and unbreakable bond between the couple which cannot be dissolved
catholic and orthodox churches: belief about marriage bond
marriage is a sacrament. the couple become spiritually joined together
requirements to marry in catholic church
the couple both have to baptised for the marriage to be considered sacramental.
disparity of cult
a marriage between a baptised catholic and someone that is not baptised. the marriage is not a sacrament but a bishop/priest may still witness the marriage.
church of england requirements for marriage
welcome any heterosexual couple to marry in the Church, regardless of whether they are baptised.
non conformist weddings
much more freedom for the bride and groom. they plan their own wedding. write their own vows rather than following vows set by the church which gives more emphasis on the couple saying things to God
quaker marriage ceremony
only god can join the couple together so there is no minister to lead the service. the couple sit in silent worship until they feel it is the right time to say their vows.
when did civil partnerships become legal?
21 december 2005
catholic church/cofe belief about civil partnerships
against civil partnerships and do not perform them. because of their teachings about sexual relationships. they believe that marriage is the proper place in which sexual relationships should occur. performing civil partnerships would suggest that homosexual sex is as acceptable as married heterosexual sex.
vicars and civil partnerships
vicars are allowed to have civil partnerships but they are required to remain celibate
other christian responses to civil partnerships
should be acceptable to the church because they provide companionship, unity and stability in the same way that heterosexual marriage does
when did same sex marriage become legal in england
march 2014
religious organisations that will conduct same sex marriages
religious organisations that will not conduct same sex marriages
cofe, catholic
church of england and same sex marriage
don't allow same sex marriage.members of the church can be in same sex marriages with no punishment, but the weddings cannot be conducted by the church.because the church teaches that marriage should be between and man and a woman for procreation
catholic church and same sex marriage
opposed to samesex marriage and concerned that it will have harmful effects on society by undermining the value of heterosexual marriage. homosexual marriages are against the natural law since they cannot result in children
other christians and same sex marraige
episcopal church allow same sex marriage
general convention of the episcopal church
homosexual persons are children of god who have a full and equalclaim with all other persons upon the love, acceptance and pastoral concern and care of the church
general synod of the scottish episcopal church
love transcends sexuality and gender
a couple livetogether without being married
catholic church and pre marital sex
every time an act of sex occurs there should be the possibility for new life to be created. god gave humans the gift of sex in order to reproduce. pre marital sex is wrong
church of england and pre marital sex
proper place in which sexualrelationships should occur is within a marriage. they do accept that cohabitation and sexualrelationships is a steptowards the commitment of marriage
abstinence from sex
why do some christians chose to remain celibate
so they can fully focus on serving god
artificial contraception
using something like a condom or a medication to preventpregnancy
natural contraception
e.g. choosing to have sex during the least fertile time in the menstrual cycle or the withdrawal method
catholic church and contraception
use of artificial contraception is sinful because they believe god gave sex to humans for reproduction. accepts use of natural forms of contraception. sometimes understand that condoms should be used to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases