What Rf are used in adrenal medullary scintigraphy?
Iodine-131 MIBG for diagnosis
Iodine-123 MIBG for therapy
what is the principle of adrenal medullary scintigraphy?
MIBG is an analogue of norepinephrine/noradrenaline and guanethidine so it accumulates in adrenergic tumors and organs with sufficient sympathetic innervation.
Indications of adrenal medullary scintigraphy
localization of adrenal pheochromocytomas and neuroblastoma,
localize carcinoid and medullary thyroid carcinoma,
evaluation of patients with suspected neuroblastomas
what equipment is used in adrenal medullary scintigraphy?
gamma camera with high energy collimator
how is the patient prepared in adrenal medulla scintigraphy?
Discontinuation of drugs that affect MIBG uptake (reserpine, antidepressants, pseudoephedrine, amphetamines)
Administration of iodine mixture before or during test to prevent the thyroid gland from absorbing too much of the RF
Contraindications of adrenal medullary scintigraphy?
pregnancy and breastfeeding
adrenal medullary scintigraphy procedure
Administration of I-123 MIBG
Whole body images of head and body + SPECT of suspected areas
Images are taken 6-24 hours after RF administration
Before or during the test, the patient may be given an iodine mixture
adrenal medullary scintigraphy interpretation
norm = adrenal not visible; activity decreases with time
pheochromocytoma = focal accumulation that increases with time; metastases in lungs, bones, liver
neuroblastoma = high accumulation; metastasis in bone marrow
what Rf is used in somatostatin receptor scintigraphy / 111-Octreoscan?
what disease is somatostatin receptor scintigraphy / 111-Octreoscan used for?
adrenal carcinoma + adenoma
what is the principle of somatostatin receptor scintigraphy / 111-Octreoscan?
Rf is similar to somatostatin and attaches to tumour cells with somatostatin receptors
Application of RF at 200 MBq
Imaging is taken the next day, takes 90-120min
Whole body scan
Application of RF at 740 MBq
Patient has to be fasting
First picture is done after 2h
Whole body scan is done after 4 hours + SPECT/CT, takes 90-120min
In some cases, two images are taken after 24h
I-123 MIBG vs. 111-In-Octreoscan in Paraganglioma?
Paraganglioma with metastasis is better shown in the MIBG scan. Using 111-In-Octreoscan we risk not seeing it if the size Is less than 1cm
Can PET/CT be used to identify adrenal gland diseases?
PET/CT, in the case of adrenal tumors, can be used to differentiate between benign, malignant, and metastatic tumors
Is PET/CT effective in imaging cancer biology?
PET/CT combines structural + functional info of the organ/tissue and is the most effective tool in the imaging of cancer biology because it combines the anatomic and metabolic-molecular info in a single image.