Paper 1

Subdecks (4)

Cards (208)

  • Kinetic energy equation
    KE = 1/2 x m x v^2
  • Charge flow equation
    current x time (s)
  • Potential difference equation
    current x resistance
  • power equation with potential difference
    current x potential difference
  • power with resistance equation
    current^2 x resistance
  • energy transferred equation with p.d and charge
    charge flow x potential difference
  • Weight equation
    weight= mass x gravitational strength
  • thermal energy for a change of state equation
    mass x specific latent heat
  • national grid
    A system of cables and transformers linking power stations to consumers
  • SHC RQ
    1. measure and record mass of copper block in kg.
    2. place a heater in the larger hole in the beaker
    3. connect the ammeter,powerpack and heater in series
    4. connect the voltmeter across the power pack
    5. use the pipette to put a small amount of water in the other hole. put the thermometer in this hole
    6. switch the powerpack to 12V. switch it on
    7. record the current readings using ammeter and pd readings using voltmeter. they shouldnt change
    8. measure the temp and switch on the stop watch
    9. record temp every 10 mins, 10 times
    10. add results to table
    11. calculate temp change, mass and change in thermal energy (V x I= W) then (W x s= J)
  • convential flow
    flow of electrons is + to -
  • electron flow
    flow of electrons is - to +
  • innaccuracies from SHC RP
    -thermal energy passing out from beaker ➡️ insulate the beaker with a low thermal conductivity
    - not all thermal energy passing into the oil➡️ ensure that the heater is fully submerged
  • thermistor
    Resistor which varies with temperature

    -Used in electrical thermometers
  • Variable resistor
    A resistor whose value can be varied between its minimum and maximum values.
  • why is beta radiation more dangerous than alpha in a smoke alarm

    -beta is more penetrating
    -so could irradiate people passing near the smoke
  • what happens to an atom when ionised by an alpha particle?
    -atom loses an electron
    -atom becomes a positive ion
  • Why devices waste energy and how to reduce the problem
    -friction moving between mving parts causes heating➡️ lubricate the moving parts to reduce friction

    -sound created by machines causes energy to be dissipated ➡️ cut out noise,e.g. tighten loose parts to reduce vibration
  • why is wind power not able to reach demand?
    -not enough wind turbines in the UK
  • How would oiling affect the efficiency of a wind turbine?
    -efficiency would increase
    -amount of energy usefully transferred would increase
    -less friction
  • why should people use energy efficient devices?
    -waste less energy
    -minimise energy demand
    -minimise environmental impact from electricity generation
  • how to determine density of a rock
    -measure rock using a scale
    - part fill a measuring cylinder with water and measure the first volume
    -fill eureka can with water leve upto the spout
    -place rock in water and collect displaced water& measure with measuring cylinder
    -volume of rock =volume of water
    -work out density= mass/volume
  • why does taking multiple measurements improve accuracy of density value
    -can calculate mean
    -reduces effect of random errors
  • thermal conductivity
    rate that a substance transfers heat.
    temperature ⬇️ in a shorter time=higher thermal conductivity
  • what does a transformer from the power station need to do for the national grid?
    -increases p.d and decreases current
    -reduces energy to surroundings
    -increases efficiency
  • what does a transformer to houses need to do in the national grid?

    -decrease p.d to a safe value
  • how is risk from internal contamination different to risk from external contamination?
    -low penetrating ability
    -stopped by skin
    -internally, highly ionising:absorbed by organs
    -contamination will cause harm to cells
  • what does direct p.d mean
    p.d in only one direction
  • negative of fossil fuels
    releases co2 , causes global warming
  • how to make a house more energy efficient
    -double glazing
    -cavity wall insulation
    -loft insulation
  • disadvantages of tidal&wave power
    - effects on marine life
    - expensive
    - must be constructed close to land (destroy homes)
  • disadvantages of geothermal energy
    -Only available where volcanoes are
    -poisonous gases are emitted
  • disadvantages of nuclear power
    -very dangerous
    -Long commision and decommission time
  • series circuit
    An electric circuit with a single path
  • parallel circuit
    An electric circuit with multiple paths
  • potential difference
    the difference of electrical potential between two points.pushes current around
  • Current-potential difference graph for
    a diode
    Current can only flow in the forward direction.
  • Current-potential difference graph for
    a filament bulb
    As temperature increases, resistance increases
  • Current-potential difference graph for
    directly proportional
  • thermal conductivity RP

    1. Place a small beaker into a larger beaker.
    2. Fill the small beaker with hot water from a kettle.
    3. Put a piece of cardboard over the beakers as a lid. The lid should have a hole suitable for a thermometer.
    4. Place a thermometer into the smaller beaker through the hole.
    5. Record the temperature of the water in the small beaker and start the stopwatch.
    6. Record the temperature of the water every 2 minutes for 20 minutes.
    7. Repeat steps 1-6, each time packing the space between the large beaker and small beaker with the chosen insulating material.
    8. Plot a graph of temperature (y-axis) against time (x-axis).