Unit 2: electricity

Cards (53)

  • Electrical Charge
    • Circuit must be closed (no open switches)
    • There must be a source of potential difference (battery/cell)
  • Electrical Current
    • Flow of electrical charge
    • Greater the rate of flow of charge, greater current
    • Q = It (Charge = Current x Time)
  • In a single closed loop, the current has the same value at any point
  • Current, potential difference and resistance
    V = IR (Potential Difference = Current x Resistance)
  • Resistors
    • If resistance is constant, current is directly proportional to potential difference (linear graph)
    • If resistance changes with current, graph is non-linear (e.g. lamps, diodes, thermistors, LDRs)
  • How resistance changes
    1. With current (as current increases, electrons have more energy and collide more with atoms, increasing resistance)
    2. With temperature (normal wires - atoms vibrate more when hot, thermistors - resistance decreases in hotter temperatures)
    3. With length (greater length means more resistance)
    4. With light (LDRs - greater light intensity, lower resistance)
    5. With voltage (diodes - allow current in one direction only)
  • Series Circuits
    Closed circuit, current follows single path, total resistance is sum of individual resistances
  • Alternating Potential Difference
    A continually oscillating current flow, which results in the potential difference across two points continually oscillating between a positive and negative value
  • Amperes (Amps)

    The unit of current
  • Attraction
    A force pulling two opposite charges together, when they are brought near each other
  • Parallel Circuits
    Branched circuit, current splits into multiple paths, total resistance is less than smallest individual resistance
  • Coulomb
    The unit of charge
  • Diode
    A component that only allows current to flow through in the forward direction. They have very large resistances in the reverse direction
  • Direct Potential Difference
    A one-directional current flow
  • Earth Wire
    The green and yellow striped safety wire that prevents an appliance from becoming live
  • Electric Field Lines
    • Lines representing an electric field, that point in the direction in which a positive charge would experience an electric force
  • In a series circuit, potential difference is shared across the whole circuit and current is the same through all parts
  • Electric Field
    A region in which a charge will experience a non-contact, electric force. All charged objects have an electric field around them, and this field is stronger the closer you are to the charge
  • Electrical Current
    The rate of flow of electrical charge. Its value is the same at any position in a single closed loop
  • Electrical Work
    When charge flows in a circuit, electrical work is said to be done
  • In a parallel circuit, potential difference is the same across all branches and current is shared between the branches
  • Filament Lamp
    A light emitting component consisting of an enclosed metal filament. Its resistance increases as the filament's temperature increases
  • Mains electricity in the UK is AC (alternating current) with a frequency of 50 Hz and voltage of 230 V
  • Insulation
    The coating around power cables that prevents electrocution and is colour coded to allow for easy identification
  • Light Dependent Resistor (LDR)

    A light sensitive component whose resistance increases as its temperature decreases
  • Live Wire
    The brown coloured wire that carries the alternating current from the supply in a mains power supply
  • Mains Electricity Cabling
    • Live wire (brown, 230 V)
    • Neutral wire (blue, 0 V)
    • Earth wire (green/yellow, 0 V, safety wire)
  • Mains Electricity
    An a.c supply, which in the UK has a frequency of 50Hz a value of 230V
  • Neutral Wire
    The blue coloured wire that completes the circuit in a mains power supply
  • Non-Contact Force
    A force experienced between two separated objects. Examples include gravity, and magnetic and electric forces
  • Power
    • Energy transferred per second, directly proportional to current and voltage
    • Power loss is proportional to resistance and square of current
  • Energy transferred = Power x Time = Charge x Potential Difference
  • Ohmic Conductor
    A conductor whose current flow is directly proportional to the potential difference across it, when held at a constant temperature
  • Ohms
    The unit of resistance
  • National Grid
    • System of cables and transformers linking power stations to consumers
    • Step-up transformers increase voltage, decrease current (to reduce energy losses)
    • Step-down transformers decrease voltage for consumer safety
  • Parallel
    Components connected in parallel have the same potential difference across each component. The total current is equal to the sum of the currents flowing through each component
  • Charge
    • Property of all matter, positive and negative charges exist
    • Like charges repel, opposite charges attract
  • Potential Difference
    The product of a component's resistance and the magnitude of current flow through it
  • Insulators and Conductors
    • Insulators do not conduct electricity, electrons are fixed
    • Conductors can conduct electricity, electrons are delocalised
  • Repulsion
    Caused when two like-charges are brought near each other