Cards (25)

  • When there are some actions that are
    done over and over again, looping
    statements can be used to ease the
    • This loop goes through a condition block of code with the reserved keyword while.
    • When the condition is TRUE, it executes the given code inside of its brackets. The loop continues to execute the code when the condition returns TRUE.
    while Loop
    • This looping statement is a variant of the while loop.
    • Where it executes first a statement block, and then the condition will be evaluated.
    do-while Looping
  • Allows set of instructions to be performed until a certain condition is reached
    for Loop
  • If this statement is encountered inside any looping constructs, the rest of
    the statement block will be skipped, and
    the statement following the statement
    block will be executed.
    • This statement is used only for looping constructs such as for, do-while, and while loops.
    • It allows you to stop the loop before it completes it and reset it to go back to the beginning and start for a new iteration.
  • This uses multiple loops, and it exists inside the body of another loop.
    nested loop
  • In a ____ loop, a special value called sentinel is used to stop the
  • A ____ statement is a way to exit out of a loop. It differs from a normal break statement in a way that this statement terminates a specific loop while a normal break statement terminates the whole loop.
    Labeled Break
  • A ____ statement has the same concept as Labeled Break statement, but instead of terminating a specific loop, this statement skips a specific loop.
    Labeled Continue
  • Arrays in JAVA are ____ that allow you to group common data types together.
    data structures
  • Arrays in JAVA are ____ that are declared and have a memory address as an actual value.
  • Arrays in JAVA are ____, where once the size of the array is declared, it can no longer ba changed.
  • Arrays in JAVA are ____, where the size is assigned only in runtime and not a compile time.
  • A one-dimensional array is a collection of elements of the same type arranged in a linear sequence.
  • Basically, an array is like a list. 
  • dataType[] arrayName = new dataType[arraySize];

    one-dimensional array syntax
  • SKIP THIS: for lessons only.
  • in:
    dataType[] arrayName = new dataType[arraySize];
    • Default values - Elements are initialized with default values.
    • Specified size - You can specify the size of the array when you create it.
    • Fixed-size - The size of the array can no longer be changed.
  • in:
    dataType[] arrayName = {element1, …, elementn};
    • Concise values - You can initialize the specific values of the array once you declare it.
    • Dynamic size - The size of the array will vary depending on the number of elements you provide.
  • To access an array:
  • ____ = number of elements in array >= 0
    • Means that ____ corresponds to the number of elements inside an array, and they cannot be less than 0
  • A multidimensional array organizes data in more than one dimension; can also be thought of as an array of arrays.
  • A two-dimensional array organizes data in two dimensions.
  • While a one-dimensional array is like
    a list, a two-dimensional array is like a table or grid.