Attempts to explain how memory functions not just its structure
(link to phonological loop evidence)
Key role in understanding the development of reading + dyslexia
Influential as explained STM in terms of both temporary storage + active processing + incorporates verbal rehearsal as one optional process within the articulatory loop instead of being the sole modality of transferring info to LTM as suggested in MSM
Baddeley & Hitch (1976)
Pp has two tasks to perform at the same time
1: true/false occupies central executive as tests verbal reasoning
2: 'the the the' = articulatory loop OR random digits = central executive and articulatory loop
2 is harder as can only use one slave system at a time
Evidence for phonological loop + articulatory process
Word length effect:
The phonological loop explains why the word-length effect occurs
People cope better with short words than long (STM)
Capacity = 1.5-2 secs
Harder to remember words that surpass this (e.g. association)
= inhibits rehearsal
Case studies
Brain-damaged patient - KF
Shows STM works independently of LTM
STM forgetting auditory info was much greater than that of visual stimuli
Thus, brain damage restricted to the phonological loop
letters / meaningful sounds
Evidence for Visuospatial Sketchpad
Baddeley (1975)
Pp given visual tracing task - track moving light with a pointer at the same time as tasks
1: Describe angles on the letter F
2: perform a verbal task
Task 1 was found to be more difficult as task 2 uses 2 different slave systems
Evidence for episodic buffer
Baddeley (1987)
Pp shown words then immediate recall
Recall was much better fro sentences (related words) than unrelated
= supports idea of 'general' memory store that draw on LTM (semantics)