Refers to the resting metabolic state of the body early in the morning after fasting for a minimum of 12 hours
Clot Activator
Tube additive that accelerates clotting
Diurnal variation
Normal daily fluctuations in body chemistry related to hormonal cycles, sleep-wake cycles, and other regular patterns of change
Rupture or destruction of RBCs
Used to describe a serum or plasma sample that is bright dark yellow due to excess bilirubin
A turbidity of the serum or plasma caused by increased lipids, specifically the lipoprotein
A decrease in plasma or serum volume, which causes a simultaneous increase in the concentration of red blood cells and other commonly tested constituents of the blood
Decreased concentration of cells and commonly tested constituents in the blood resulting in a gain of plasma or serum
Involves all the complex steps that must take place before a sample can be analyzed
This is where approximately 32-75% error occursand requires careful attention
Pre analysis stage
Turn-around Time The amount of time to complete a whole process (from preanalysis to postanalysis)
CK - Creatinine phosphokinase
AST - Aspartate aminotransferase
LD - lactate dehydrogenase
High levels of lipids cause the serum or plasma to appear milky (cloudy white) or turbid, and the specimen is described as being lipemic.
triglycerides (a type of lipid)
triglycerides require a __ hr fast
ACTH - adrenocorticotropic hormone
Elements that are affected by postural changes are albumin, total protein, enzymes, calcium, bilirubin, cholesterol, triglycerides, and drugs bound to proteins.
What WBC will decrease if a person smokes?
What WBC will increase if a person smokes?
Neutrophils and monocytes
Hemoconcentration ↪ Caused by extended application of tourniquet resulting into increased concentrations of analytes and cellular components
Hemodilution ↪ Usually caused by a short draw of blood during venipuncture
Icterus ↪ A serum or plasma sample is described as icteric if it appears bright to dark yellow due to increased bilirubin.
Lipemia ↪ occurs when serum triglyceride levels are elevated causing a turbid sample.
One of the most frequent preanalytic errors involves selecting the wrong laboratory test or panel of tests, leading to inappropriate interpretation of results
What should be done if the laboratory request is done verbally?
Document the laboratory request right away
What happens if the verbal test request was not documented?
Good as wala nahitabo
A test order should have a complete patient demographics that include patient name, sex, age, date of birth (DOB), date of admission (for inpatients), date of test order, location (in-patient or out-patient), and physician.
ASAP - as soon as possible
STAT -immediately
STAT from the Latin word __
STAT specimens are given the highest priority
The first goal of the Joint Commission 2015 National Laboratory Patient Safety Goals is to "Identify patients correctly"
Give an example of policy for handling mislabeled specimen
Do not relabel an incorrectly labelled specimen, do not discard specimen until investigation is complete
Venipuncture is performed using a needle/adapter assembly attached to an evacuated glass/plastic test tube with a rubber/plastic stopper. Blood may also be collected in a syringe and transferred to the appropriate specimen container