Cards (67)

  • Anticoagulant
    tube additive that prevents blood clotting
  • Basal State
    Refers to the resting metabolic state of the body early in the morning after fasting for a minimum of 12 hours
  • Clot Activator
    Tube additive that accelerates clotting
  • Diurnal variation
    Normal daily fluctuations in body chemistry related to hormonal cycles, sleep-wake cycles, and other regular patterns of change
  • Hemolysis
    Rupture or destruction of RBCs
  • Icteric
    Used to describe a serum or plasma sample that is bright dark yellow due to excess bilirubin
  • Lipemia
    A turbidity of the serum or plasma caused by increased lipids, specifically the lipoprotein
  • Hemoconcentration
    A decrease in plasma or serum volume, which causes a simultaneous increase in the concentration of red blood cells and other commonly tested constituents of the blood
  • Hemodilution
    Decreased concentration of cells and commonly tested constituents in the blood resulting in a gain of plasma or serum
  • Preanalysis
    Involves all the complex steps that must take place before a sample can be analyzed
  • This is where approximately 32-75% error occursand requires careful attention
    Pre analysis stage
  • Turn-around Time The amount of time to complete a whole process (from preanalysis to postanalysis)
  • CK - Creatinine phosphokinase
  • AST - Aspartate aminotransferase
  • LD - lactate dehydrogenase
  • High levels of lipids cause the serum or plasma to appear milky (cloudy white) or turbid, and the specimen is described as being lipemic.
  • triglycerides (a type of lipid)
  • triglycerides require a __ hr fast
  • ACTH - adrenocorticotropic hormone
  • Elements that are affected by postural changes are albumin, total protein, enzymes, calcium, bilirubin, cholesterol, triglycerides, and drugs bound to proteins.
  • What WBC will decrease if a person smokes?
  • What WBC will increase if a person smokes?
    Neutrophils and monocytes
  • Hemoconcentration ↪ Caused by extended application of tourniquet resulting into increased concentrations of analytes and cellular components
  • Hemodilution ↪ Usually caused by a short draw of blood during venipuncture
  • Icterus ↪ A serum or plasma sample is described as icteric if it appears bright to dark yellow due to increased bilirubin.
  • Lipemia ↪ occurs when serum triglyceride levels are elevated causing a turbid sample.
  • One of the most frequent preanalytic errors involves selecting the wrong laboratory test or panel of tests, leading to inappropriate interpretation of results
  • What should be done if the laboratory request is done verbally?
    Document the laboratory request right away
  • What happens if the verbal test request was not documented?
    Good as wala nahitabo
  • A test order should have a complete patient demographics that include patient name, sex, age, date of birth (DOB), date of admission (for inpatients), date of test order, location (in-patient or out-patient), and physician.
  • ASAP - as soon as possible
  • STAT -immediately
  • STAT from the Latin word __
  • STAT specimens are given the highest priority
  • The first goal of the Joint Commission 2015 National Laboratory Patient Safety Goals is to "Identify patients correctly"
  • Give an example of policy for handling mislabeled specimen

    Do not relabel an incorrectly labelled specimen, do not discard specimen until investigation is complete
  • Venipuncture is performed using a needle/adapter assembly attached to an evacuated glass/plastic test tube with a rubber/plastic stopper. Blood may also be collected in a syringe and transferred to the appropriate specimen container
  • The most common specimen received in the lab
  • Specimen in tubes must be mixed through
  • Identify the purpose of EDTA
    Prevents clotting by chelating CALCIUM