
Subdecks (7)

Cards (288)

  • Assess/Explain the suitability of the location for the collection of the data Mercato Beach is an ideal lovation as it is only a 15 minute drive away from school. Additionally, it is a wide sandy beach with low energy waves, meaning it is very safe to conduct fieldwork. LSD is an active process whcih made it a suitable site to collect data. However, there are significant person-made features along this stretch of coastline such as The Palm Jumeirah, World Islands, and The Harbour which have significant impacts on the movement of sediment along the coastline.
  • Justify one primary data collection method used in relation to the aim(s) of your PGE (physical geography enquiry) The aim was to investigate if a groyne influenced the process of LSD so the rate of LSD was measured using an orane over a set of time. THis determined the strength of LSD which highlighted how groynes can impact the rates of LSD.
  • Justify one primary data collection method used in your PGE The angle of the beach was measured using a clinometer. This determined the gradient of the beach to show if the groynes were having an impact on sediment accumulation.
  • Suggest why one set of date you collected in your PFE may have not been accurte The sea was particularly rough on the day of data collection. At some of my sights, I lost of visuals of the orange which I was using to measure the rate of LSD. At a few sights, I was unable to take an accurate reading of LSD as my orange had disappeared.
  • Suggest how anomalies in your data could affect your fieldwork enquiry The wind on the day of my fieldwork enquirt was particularly strong and the waves were incredibly turbulent. Some of the readings for LSD are large because of this. However, it is usually a much calmer coastline with more constructive waves, so my results are only representative of that particular day.
  • Justify the use of maps/photographs/fieldsketches in your PGE Annotated photos provide a visual record of data, making it easier to recall information from that particular day. They can help build a deeper understanding and establish relationships, such as environental quality and pedestrian count. They also avoid bias of written description by the researcher.
  • Suggest onereason why risk assessment was important when planning your enquiry Even though we conducted the research in March, day time temperatures can still reach upwards of 35 degrees C. So, it was important to avoid heat stroke and dehydration. I wore SPF 50 and a hat all day and I sought shade whenever convenient. I had 2L of cool water and ensured I hydrated regularly, so I could spend all day in the field collecting data.
  • Identify one potential risk in your PGF and explain how it was reduced One risk was heat stroke and dehydration due to the high temps and intense UV rays. I ensured I wore SPF 50 and I hat all day and sought shade whenever convenient. I had 2L of cool water and ensured I hydrated regularly.