Huntington’s Disease – a degenerative brain disease that appears in early to middle age that causes deterioration in the brain, specifically in the basal ganglia.
Trephination - It is an old practice where people make a hole in the skull to identify possession.
Supernatural - In ancient history, it is a behavior rooted from astrology, evil spirits, demons, etc.
Bile - it gives us different personality (dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, etc.)
What are the historical conceptions of abnormal behavior?
Eustress - it is a positive stress.
Distress - it is a negative stress.
What are the four criteria of mental disturbance?
Diagnosis is base from the result of the assessment. While, prognosis is the future of the outcome of the assessment.
Psychological disorder - a psychological dysfunction within an individual associated with distress or impairment in functioning and a response that is not typical or culturally expected.
Etiology - the study of origins, has to do with why a disorder begins (what causes it) and includes biological, psychological, and social dimensions.
Hippocrates is considered to be the father of modern Western medicine.
Hippocrates assumed that normal brain functioning was related to four bodily fluids or humors:
Blood (came from the heart)
Black Bile (spleen)
Phlegm (brain)
Choler/Yellow Bile (liver)
A phlegmatic personality indicates apathy and sluggishness but can also mean being calm under stress.
A choleric person is hot tempered.
Syphilis, a sexually transmitted disease caused by a bacterial microorganism entering the brain, include believing that everyone is plotting against you (delusion of persecution) or that you are God (delusion of grandeur), as well as other bizarre behaviors.
Moral therapy is a form of psychotherapy believes that a person with a mental disorder could be helped by being treated with compassion, kindness, and dignity in a clean, comfortable environment that provided freedom of movement, etc.
Moral therapy as a system originated with the well-known French psychiatrist Philippe Pinel and his close associate Jean-Baptiste Pussin
Franz Mesmer is widely regarded as the father of hypnosis, a state in which extremely suggestible subjects sometimes appear to be in a trance.
Catharsis is a therapeutic practice to recall and relive emotional trauma that has been made unconscious and to release accompanying tension.
Psychopathology the field concerned with the nature, development, and treatment of mental disorders.
Episodic course is where the individual is likely to recover within a few months only to suffer a recurrence of the disorder at a later time.
Prevalence rate is the figure that shows how many people in the populations have the disorder.
Incidence rate is the statistics on how many new cases occur during a given period, such as a year