Staphylococcus is a genus of Gram-positive cocci arranged in grape-like clusters, which are facultative anaerobes, non-motile (non-flagellated), non-spore forming, and catalase positive.
Control and prevention in dairy animals involves good hygiene at milking time, use of single use paper towels to dry teats, milkers wearing gloves, teat dip after milking, dry cow therapy at drying off, and separating all infected/positive cows.
S. aureus ferments mannitol and changes the agar color from red to yellow, while S. epidermidis does not ferment mannitol and no agar color change (remain red).
Staphylococcus species cause systemic and life-threatening infections such as bacteremia/septicemia, endocarditis (heart valves), metritis, pneumonia, osteomyelitis, meningitis, and toxicosis/shock.