History- cold war

Cards (117)

  • Potsdam conference
    July 1945
    • still divide Germany and Berlin
    • disband German armed forces
    • reestablish democracy in Germany
    • Russia to revive reparations in the form of equipment and materials
    • ban Nazi party
    • All agree to join the UN
    • Stalin wanted a huge amount of reparations from Germany
    • Truman wanted Free elections in Eastern Europe, stalin wanted a sphere of influence
  • Yalta conférence
    February 1943
    • Soviet Union agrees to enter war with Japan
    • allies agree to divide Germany and Berlin into 4 zones
    • allies wanted free elections in countries liberated from Nazi occupation
    • The UN were set up to resolve disputes and avoid war 

    • Stalin wanted Germany to pay more reparations whereas allies wanted To pay less
    • Stalin wanted a communist government bin Poland but allies wanted free elections
  • Tehran conference
    • Britain and America to open two new fronts in Germany
    • Russia agreed they would help allies fight Japan
    • The UN would be set up after the war
    • An area of Eastern Poland was added to the Soviet Union
    • Stalin worried that USA and Britain delayed their attack on Germany to weaken Russia
    • Churchill was very anti-communists and suspicious of Stalin
    • Warsaw uprising- Poles uprise against German and are shut down, Soviet’s take control of defenceless Poland
  • Tensions between allied countries began to increase because of ideological differences
    Britian and the USA (capitalism)
    • politics- Free elections with a choice of parties
    • social structure- Some have more power than others because of family/backgroun/education/ wealth
    • Economy- Capitalist. Private ownership of property and business
    • rights- individual freedoms guaranteed
  • Ideological differences
    Russia( communism)
    • Politics- Single party rule
    • Social structur- Classless society where everyone is equal
    • Economy- State ownership of property and business
    • Rights- The rights of all workers more important than individual rights
  • Differences between leaders
    • Leader- Franklin D Roosevelt
    • leadership- 1933-45
    • Country- USA
    • politics and Beliefs- strongly believed in democracy, but formed an alliance with the soviet Union to Protect the USA against Japan. was not as tough with Stalin as Churchill wanted him to be
  • Differences between leader
    • leader- Winston Churchill
    • Leadership- 1940-45, 1951-55
    • Country- UK
    • politics and beliefs- Strongly believed in democracy, the British empire was very suspicious of Stalin
  • Differences between leaders
    • leader- Joseph Stalin
    • Leadership- 1920s-1953
    • Country- Soviet Union
    • Politics and beliefs- A dictator who removed any freedom in Russia to consolidate his power. Stalin was convinced the west wanted to destroy communism
  • Tensions between the Allied countries increased because of the Grand alliance (Russia, America and Britian) 

    Although Britain, the USA and the Soviet Union United against Germany and Japan in the Second World War, there was no real change in how they viewed each other. The USA and British were still suspicious of the communist Soviet Union, Whilst the USSR distrusted the capitalist world
  • Outcomes of the Tehran conferences
    1. The USA and British would attack Germany in Western Europe, helping the Soviet fighting in the East
    2. Stalin would declare war against Japan and help The USA to defeat them once the War in europe was over
    3. Agreed that the aim of the war was to defeat Germany and keep it weak and the end of the war
    4. United nations set up
  • Outcomes of the Yalta conference
    1. Germany to be split into four zones, each controlled by a different power: the USA, Britain ,France and the Soviet union
    2. half of Germany $20 billion reparation’s would go to the Soviet union, the Nazi party would be banned and war criminals prosecuted
    3. The UN was set up
    4. Stalun agreed the future government’s Of E Europe would be decided by free elections
  • Outcomes of Potsdam conference
    1. RuAsia was angry at USA for testing the first atomic bomb without telling them. AMerica was angry as Russia was not holding free elections but taking over E Europe
    2. Germany split into four zones, but the economy would be run as a whole
    3. Berlin split into four zones controlled by different countries, even though it was within the Soviet zone of Germany
    4. Each administrating county would take its reparations from the zone of Germany it controlled
  • tensions between allied countries increased because of Developments in 1945-46
    The atom bomb: The USA developed and used atom bombs to win the war against Japan. The USA dropped an atom bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima on 6 August 1945 and Nagasaki on 9 August 1945. 1,20,000 Japanese civilians were killed
  • How did the Atom bomb 1945-46 increased tensions?
    • The Soviet Union became even more determined to spread its influence in order to create a buffer zone between itself and Western Europe
    • The Soviet Union first successfully tested an atom bomb on 29 August 1949. By 1964 Britain, France and china also had the atom bomb
    • Both sides now had weapons capable of Killing millions
  • How did the Atom bomb 1945-46 decreased tensions?
    Both sides were much less willing to go to war, as the risks became much higher and many more would be killed
  • What was The Kennan Long telegram and the Novikov telegram?
    These two reports from the ambassadors in the Soviet and American embassies show the attitudes towards each other's countries
  • George Kennan Long's Telegram to Washington
    • Reported that attitides in Moscow were hostile towards the USA
    • Stalin held a firm belief in the destruction of capitalism
    • Kennan believed that the Soviets would back down if faced with tough resistance from the West. This played a key role in American foreign policy in the following years
  • Nikolai Novikov's telegram to Moscow
    • Believed that the US wanted to use their stong military to dominate the world
    • Told Moscow that the Americans no longer wanted to cooperate with the soviets
  • What was Churchill's iron Curtain speech about?
    March 1946, on a visit to the USA, Churchill made a speech criticizing the Soviet Union as a threat to world peace. Stalin took this to be a reflection of American beliefs, which encouraged the USSR to strengthen its forces and increase anti-western propaganda
  • The creation of Soviet Satellite states in Eastern Europe
    The countries that the Soviet Union freed from Nazi occupation between 1944 and 1945 became satellite states under soviet control after the end of the war.
    Stalin was reluctant to give up control of these countries as they were a useful buffer zone between the Soviet Union and Germany. Stalin was worried Germany would invade again so wanted countries loyal to him between Russia and Germany to help protect Russia. Truman saw this as evidence that the Soviet Union wanted to spread communism worldwide
  • Satellite states
    country: Poland
    Date: 1947
    Method: Russians allowed polis rebels to be killed by Germans during WW2 before pushing the Germans out. Promised free elections but arrested non-communist politicians and helped to install a communist government
    Country: Hungary
    Date: 1949
    Method: Used fear and intimidation to force people to vote for Communists. Rakosi placed into power as a communist dictator
    Country: Czechoslovakia
    Method: Stalin helped to overthrow nom-communist leader Benes and establish a communist dictator
  • When was the Truman doctrine?
    On 12th March 1947
  • What was the Truman doctrine?
    Truman delivered a speech to the US Congress announcing a $400 million aid package to Greece and Turkey. This was caused by the threat of communists trying to take over Greece and America worrying about communism spreading to other countries if Greece became communists.
  • What did Truman involve in his speech?
    Truman promised to send American Aid and troops to stop communism from spreading throughout the world, especially the countries of Europe which had been devastated by war and were therefore weaker and more likely to be vulnerable to communism. This speech became Known as the "Truman Doctrine" and signaled the beginning of the US policy of containment
  • What was the Marshall plan?
    Three months after Truman's speech, George Marshall, the USA Secretary of State announced in a speech that the USA would provide economic aid to the war-torn countries of Europe to help them recover from the damage suffered in conflict and to keep them tied to the USA instead of falling to communist ideology. Between 1948 and 1952, the USA gave $12.7 billion in aid, mainly to countries in Western Europe. Mnay Eastern European countries refused America's offer under Stalins orders
  • What were the Consequences of The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan?
    "Dollar imperialism: Stalin did not react well to the Marshall Plan. Rather than a defensive policy to stop the spread of communism, he saw American aid to Europe as a way for the USA to spread its own influence and to undermine the United nations. This so called Dollar imperialism, as the Soviets referred to it, was perceived as America's way of Splitting Europe in two and establishing an economic empire in Westrern Europe. Stalin's suspicions rose.
  • The creation of Cominform and Comecon
    Date created: 22nd September 1947
    Members: The communist parties of The soviet union, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Yugoslavia, France and Italy
    Purpose: Political organisation. Gave stalin the power to control the governments of his Satellite states and ensure they followed orders from Moscow.
  • The creation of Cominform and Comecon
    Date created: 25th January 1949
    Members: The Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, East Germany, and Albania
    Purpose: To provide economic aid as an alternative to the Marshall plan, and later to organize industrial planning and encourage trade between members
  • What happened by March 1948?
    France, Britain and the USA had combined their zones to create "Trizonia", and three months later created a single currency for this zone, the Deutschmark. This annoyed the soviets, as germany was now effectivley divided into two countries East and West
  • When was the Berlin Blockade?
    June 1948
  • What happened in the Berlin Blockade?
    Stalin decided to shut off land routes across the Soviet- controlled zone of Germany into the western- controlled areas of Berlin. The estern zone of Berlin was now cut off from the western part of Germany, with no communication and food running out. He wanted to stop the west introducing the Deutschmark and Trizonia
  • What was the response to the Berlin Blockade?
    In response, America and Britian launched the Berlin airlift
  • What was the Berlin airlift?
    America and Britain flew food, coal, and other items into the western zone of Berlin, in order to get over Stalin's land blockade. Almost a year later in May the Soviets gave in and lifted the blockade. Stalin's attempt to provoke the West had backfired: the West had responded to the Blockade peacefully, and he was now portrayed as unwise and aggressive
  • Consequences of the Berlin Crisis
    The creation of East and West Germany: Three days after the blockade was lifted, the British, French, and American zones came together to form a state, the Federal Republic of Germany. This was a democratic state, and the Chancellor, Konrad Adenauer, was elected on 15th septe,ber 1949. The FRG was much larger than East Germany.
  • How did Stalin respond to the creation of FRG?
    In October 1949, Stalin responded by creating the German Democratic Republic. This was a country only recognized by the communist bloc countries.
  • Consequences of the Berlin crisis?
    The creation of NATO and the Warsaw Pact: In April 1949, the USA, Britian, France, and nice other Western countries formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). This was a military alliance intended to protect western Countries from the communist threat. All members agreed that if one was attacked, the others would come to its aid.
  • What was Stalins's response to the FRG joining NATO?
    In response to the FRG joining NATO in May 1955, Stalin created the Warsaw Pact, the equivalent of NATO for eastern communist countries. This is now seen as a defining moment in the split of Europe into two blocs: the capitalist West and Communist East
  • Reasons for a reduction in tensions: New leaders
    In January 1953, Dwight D. Eisenhower became the new president of the USA. He and his secretary of state, John Foster Dulles, were strongly anti-communist and were determined to prevent communist expansion. On 5th March 1953, Stalin died. It was not until 1956 that a new leader clearly emerged: Nikita Khrushchev. He openly criticised Stalin’s policies and called for peaceful co-existence with the West.
  • Reasons for a reduction in tensions: Defence spending
    Both sides were spending large amounts of money on their militaries. They knew that a reduction in tensions would be good for their economies
  • Reasons for a reduction in tensions: The Geneva Summit
    A July 1955 summit meeting in Geneva between East and West also served to reduce tensions between the two Blocs. Although no agreement was reached over disarmament and the future of Germany, there was an improved atmosphere of cooperation between the two sides, and an agreement was reached on how Austria should be governed.