Cards (4)

  • Karma - is considered an essential and healthy goal of human life, as long as it does not hinder the attainment of other goals.
  • Artha - is a pursuit essential to one’s life, as it is important in fulfilling one’s obligations to his or her loved ones and society; however, it must be done in morally sound ways.
  • Dharma - it is regarded as an important goal in Hinduism. In seeking the dharma, the individual is expected to live in an ethical and morally sound way. This entails the fulfillment of one’s religious and social duties, such as upholding harmony, peace, and the order of the world at large.
  • Moksha – Important goal in Hinduism. This is the liberation from the cycle of birth and rebirth, known as samsara. In order to attain moksha, one must nurture his or her relationship with God; be aware of his or her oneness with all living beings; cultivate knowledge of his or her true self; instill compassion in his or her heart; and avoid engaging in worldly desires.