Pilgrimages are also undertaken by Hindus in rivers, mountains, and temples. The other place that hold with high regard is Ganges River in northern India: bathing in this purifies an individual spirituality.
Hindu scriptures state that there are 330 million gods or devas; they are venerated humans or town deities.
Puja involves images, prayers and diagrams of the universe.
In temples, ceremonies may be in the form of offering a flame, milk,
or honey, and even reciting chants and music. Worship maybe undertaken
any day of the week, but Thursday is considered to be the most opportune day
BRAHMA- is the Hindu god of creation. He is believed to have created
the universe and everything that is contains. His consort is Sarasvati,
the goddess of knowledge.
SHIVA- is the Hindu god of destruction. This destructive power is seen
not just as a transition to death, but ultimately to rebirth or a newform
of life. It is necessary as a way of destroying evilforces and restoring
order in the universe. Parvati is the consort of Shiva.
VISHNU- is the Hindu god credited with the power to sustain or preserve
the universe. His consort is Lakshmi, who is considered the Hindu
goddess of wealth and prosperity.
Devas is known as (gods) while Devis is known as (Goddesses); both means “divine” and “radiant”.
The soul referred to as the ATMAN, seen as eternal and universal entity also representation of Brahman.
Brahman gives rise to the Hindu practice of (ahimsa) or non-violence and
respect for all life forms, including plants and non-human animals.
Brahman is regarded by Hindus as a unifying existence and the ultimate divine reality.
Hinduism is sometimes referred to as sanatana dharma, which translates to “eternal law”.