Behavioural treatments of phobias

    Cards (24)

    • What is systematic desensitisation?
      Behavioural therapy that gradually reduces phobic anxiety through classical conditioning
    • What is using classical conditioning to learn a different response to phobias called?
    • What are the three processes involved in classical conditioning?
      • Anxiety hierarchy
      • Relaxation
      • Exposure
    • What is an anxiety hierarchy?
      A list of situations related to the phobic stimulus that provoke anxiety arranged from the least to most frightening
    • Who comes up with the anxiety hierarchy?
      Both the client and the therapist
    • What do therapists do in the second stage of systematic destination?
      Relax the client with breathing exercises, mental imagining techniques or even medication
    • What is it called where you cannot be anxious and relaxed at the same time?
      Reciprocal inhibition
    • Why can't you be anxious and relaxed at the same time?
      You can't in both the sympathetic and parasympathetic state at the same time
    • How does exposure work in systematic desensitisation?
      The client is then exposed to the phobic stimulus while in a relaxed state Several sessions from bottom of the anxiety hierarchy to top when the client can stay relaxed in the presence of the phobic stimulus
    • When is systematic desensitisation successful?
      When the client can stay relaxed in situations high on the anxiety hierarchy
    • What is flooding?
      Exposing people to their phobic stimulus without a gradual build-upImmediate exposure to a very frightening situation
    • How does flooding work?
      • client quickly learns that the phobic stimulus is harmless
      • A learned response is extinguished when the conditioned stimulus is encountered without unconditioned stimulus
      • The conditioned stimulus no longer produces the conditioned response
    • What happens in flooding in classical conditioning terms?
    • Ethical problems with flooding
      • An unpleasant experience and so it is important that clients give fully informed consent.
      • They need to fully understand and be prepared before the flooding session
      • A client would usually be given a choice between flooding or systematic desensitisation.
    • Strengths of systematic desensitisation
      • Is the evidence base for its effectiveness
      • Helps treat phobias in individuals with learning disabilities
    • Why "Is the evidence base for its effectiveness" a strength of systematic desensitisation?
      • Gilroy et al (2003) followed up 42 people who had SD in 3 45 minute sessions
      • At both 3 and 33 months SD group were less fearful than control group treated by relaxation without exposure
      • In a recent review Wechsler et al (2019) concluded that SD is effective for specific, social and agoraphobia
      • SD is likely to be helpful for people with phobias
    • Strenth - "Helps treat phobias in individuals with learning disabilities"

      • People with learning disabilities often struggle with cognitive therapies that aim to change thinking patterns
      • This is because they require complex rational thought, They may also feel confused and distressed by the traumatic experience of flooding
      • SD is often the most appropriate treatment for individuals with learning disabilities who have phobias
    • VR for systematic desensitisation point

      • Traditional systematic desensitisation involves exposure to the phobic stimulus in a real-world setting
      • However advances in technology have led to part of the exposure being conducted in virtual reality
    • VR for systematic desensitisation strengths
      • Controllable
      • Less expensive - flying
      • Avoids dangerous situations - heights
      • Participants more willing to take part
    • VR for systematic desensitisation limitations
      Lacks realism - particularly for social phobias, meaning it can be less effective - Wechsler et al 2019
    • Strength of flooding
      Highly cost-effective
    • Why "Highly cost-effective" a strength of flooding?
      • When providing therapies in systems like the NHS we also need to think about how much they cost
      • Cost-effective if it is clinically effective and not expensive Flooding can work in one session compared to SD which takes longer
      • More people can be treated at the same cost with flooding than with SD or other therapies
    • Limitation of flooding
      Highly unpleasant experience (traumatic)
    • Why "Highly unpleasant experience (traumatic)" a limitation of flooding?
      • Confronting phobic stimulus in extreme form provokes tremendous anxiety
      • Schumacher et al (2015) found that participants and therapists rated flooding as significantly more stressful than SD
      • Ethical issue for psychologists of knowingly causing stress to their clients, need informed consent
      • More traumatic nature of flooding means that dropout rates are higher than for SDTherapists may avoid using this treatment
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