is the process by which managers establish goals and specify how these goals are to be attained.
Outcome or goal statements
represent the endstate—the targets and outcomes managers hope to attain.
domain/directional planning
in which managers develop a course of action that moves an organizationtowardoneidentifieddomain (and therefore away from other domains).
coupling of domain and goalplanning occurs. . In this approach, managers begin with the moregeneraldomainplanning and commit to movinginaparticulardirection.
Official goals
are an organization’s general aims as expressed in public statements, in its annual report, and in its charter.
Management by objectives (MBO)
is a philosophyofmanagement, a planningandcontrollingtechnique, and an employee-involvementprogram.
action statements
The meansbywhichanorganizationmovesforwardtoattainitsgoals.
administrative plans
Plans that work to integrate institutional-levelplans with the operating plans and tie togetherall of the planscreated for the organization’stechnical core.
concurrent controls
Controls intended to prevent deviation from a planned course of action while work is in progress.
cybernetic control
Self-regulating control procedures.
Deming cycle
A planningmodel directed towardattainingcontinuous improvement by integrating organizational learning into the planning process (plan, do, check, act).
noncybernetic control
Control systems that operate independently from the work system that is being monitored; a monitoring system that is external to the target of control.