
Subdecks (2)

Cards (13)

  • Psychodynamic:
    • Originated by Freud
    • believed that unconscious repressed thoughts motivate behaviour
  • The Role of the Unconscious:
    • It is believed that our everyday behaviour comes from the unconscious mind
    • This is presented through slips of the tongue.
    • Our Conscious Mind is only the "Tip of the Iceberg". Our unconscious mind is where everything mostly occurs
  • Unconscious Mind:
    • Threating and Disturbing Memories
    • Our Drives and Instincts
    Preconscious Mind:
    • Lies between the conscious and unconscious mind. Includes thoughts and ideas which we become aware of during dreams
  • Structure of the Personality:
    • Freud argued that our personalities are compromised of 3 parts that develop during childhood:
    1. ID - instincts, unconscious, selfish
    2. EGO - conscious, rational
    3. SUPEREGO - Morality Principle
    If we are unable to balance these , we develop abnormal behaviour.
  • ID
    • Pleasure Principle
    • Present at Birth
    • Contains sexual and aggressive instincts
    • Demands Immediate Satisfaction and is completely selfish
    • If a person ID is too strong they are seen as delinquent, antisocial or self centred (e.g. Thieves )
  • EGO
    • Based on the reality principle
    • Develops around the age of 2 in anal stage
    • Is the conscious , rational part in the mind
    • The normal person will have a " strong ego"
    • Based on Morality Principe
    • Develops around 5 in phallic stage
    • Children start to know what's " Right and Wrong"
    • Punishes the wrongdoings through experiencing guilt
  • Defence Mechanisms
    • Anxiety can weaken the ego which is bad as it breaks the bridge between the ID and Superego
    • Defence Mechanisms help the ego to balance the ID and Superego
    • Defence Mechanisms are usually unconscious and ensure that the Ego prevent us becoming concerned by temporary threats or traumas.
    • ! However the mechanism shouldn't be used as a long - term solution as it can distort reality
  • Examples of Defence Mechanisms:
    1. Repression - forcing a memory out of the mind
    2. Denial - refusing to accept aspects of reality
    3. Displacement - Transferring feelings onto a substitute target
  • Oedipus and Electra Complex ( Phallic Stage )
    • Oedipus - the BOY section
    • Electra - the GIRL section