Storm hydrograph

Cards (9)

  • Hydrographs
    • shows how river discharges change over time at particular point at river
    • increased runoff-> reduced lag time and greater discharge= steep hydrograph bc more water gets into river channel quicker
  • river discharge
    • volume of water flowing in a river each second and measured in cumecs (m^3/s)
  • hydrograph features
    • peak discharge= max discharge in period of time
    • peak rainfall= max rainfall
    • lag time= interval between peak rainfall and discharge
    • rising limb= discharge is rising
    • falling limb= discharge is falling
  • Physical factors affecting storm hydrographs(PFASH)
    rock type and soil
    • Permeable= precipitation infiltrate and percolate-> lengthens lag time and reduces peak discharge
    • impermeable= stops precipitation infiltrating= surface runoff increases and lag time reduced and peak discharge increased
    • soil fully saturated or frozen by antecedent conditions= no infiltration-> increased runoff->increasing peak discharge
    relief and vegetation
    • steeper catchment= quicker water reaches river increases peak discharge and reduces lag time
    • river catchment with high levels of vegetation= high interception and evaportranspiration
    • tree roots help promote infiltration= results in catchments with more vegetation having a lower surface runoff and reduced peak discharge
    size,shape and drainage density
    • larger catchment= higher peak discharge but longer lag time
    • circular catchment= shorter lag time
    • denser drainage networks transport water more efficiently= increases flow and peak discharge
  • Human factors affecting storm hydrographs( HFASH)
    • leads to an increase in no of impermeable surfaces
    • lead to a decrease in infiltration, increase in surface runoff-> reduction in lag time
    • shorter lag time= greater peak discharge
    land use
    • ares remain forested or as natural habitat= reduced peak discharge bc of an increase in infiltration of precipitation by vegetation
    • less interception in deforested areas = increases peak discharge
    • ploughing of agricultural land increases surface runoff-> lag time to reduce and peak discharge to increase
    water management
    • dams and reservoirs= regulate flow of river by storing water and choosing when to release it downstream
    • abstractin of aquifers lowers groundwater levels and increases percolation and infiltration when rainfall happens