food poisoning

Cards (7)

  • vulnerable groups of people: people aged 60+, babies/ very young children, pregnant women and nursing mothers, people with a serious or chronic illness/ disease, people with a weakened immune system.
  • Food safety legislation: by law everyone, who works in the food industry has a duty to keep food safe, not just supervisors and managers.
  • Food poisoning is caused only if a person is infected by more than a certain number of bacteriaranging, for example, from as little as a hundred for Escherichia coli (E. coli O157) to over one million for Clostridium perfringens.
  • Bacteria multiply by a process known as binary fission – one bacterium becomes two, two bacteria become four, four bacteria become eight, etc. Therefore they multiply rapidly.
  • You can prevent the likelihood of food poisoning by preventing conditions bacteria need to multiply: nutrients, time, warmth, moisture, the correct PH.
  • Common symptoms of food poisoning include: pain around the stomach and lower body (abdominal pain), diarrhoea, feeling sick and being sick.
  • It usually only takes a few hours for the symptoms to appear,