Cards (8)

  • Revolutionary wars
    Napoleon: moved forces rapidly, commanded effectively at Toulon (BATTLE) and showed personal factor
    Overall: larger forces so less personal factor, divisions made (12,000 units), more meritocracy
  • Napoleonic wars
    Decisive battle
    Made corps BATTLE - Jena and Austerlitz
    Central position BATTLE - Rivoli, Austerlitz and MSD BATTLE Ulm
    Developed his Marshalls to fight like him BATTLE Lodi
    Inspired/motivated his troops – le Petit Caporal BATTLE Arcola
  • Napoleonic wars 2
    Russian Campaign: Logistics, supply and the weather stopped his usual speed and movement. 600,000 left and 30,000 returned to France.
    Allies learnt from him and improved BATTLE of Leipzig
    Beaten by Wellington’s defensive strategy and Corps Commanders letting him down (Ney and Grouchy) BATTLE of Waterloo 1815
  • American civil war
    Defensive genius BATTLE Richmond
    Speed BATTLE Shenandoah
    Well organised forces with inspired leaders – ‘Stonewall’ Jackson
    Inspired troops – devotion, cheered him after even after Gettysburg Lost at BATTLE of Gettysburg – Pickett’s charge let’s his reputation down
  • American civil war 2
    Aimed for Railway Junctions BATTLE of Chattanooga
    Economic Destruction of the South (Sherman’s March to the Sea)
  • Moltke
    Developed the use of Railways BATTLE Sadowa and maps
    Understood the significance of the Dreyse Needle Gun 4/5
    Developed Mission Tactics- ring of fire and avoid frontal assaults
    Developed general staff (brain of the army)
  • WW1
    Huge armies, aerial reconnaissance taking surprise away, industry
    Generals had narrower problems of breaking the enemy’s defensive line.
    Falkenhayn – Grant style attrition ‘Bleed the French White’ at BATTLE of Verdun.
    Ludendorff- Storm Trooper tactics at Spring Offensive
    Personal leadership through inspiring men to ‘stick it’ – Petain and Haig ‘Backs top the Wall’
    Large numbers of WW1 generals killed in WW1.
  • WW2
    3 types of General:
    1)The Organiser: Marshall and Alan Brooke who were Chief of General Staff behind the scenes. Also Eisenhower BATTLE D Day
    2) The Inspirers: Patton (aggressive carried Colt Pistols) and Montgomery (cap badges and fostered links to his men)BATTE El Alamein
    3) The Bold: Rommel BATTLE North Africa and Guderian BATTLE Sedan