Intersubjectivity refers to the condition of a man and other men who are also subjects.
Intersubjectivity talks about we are always connected to other people and us as a subject is affected or can be by other subject
Martin Buber (1878-1965)offers a distinction between social and interhuman.
- thesocial is you do something because of purpose, it can be done by everyone animals, insects everyone, the life of a group bound together by common experiences - - interhuman is a life between human to human, interpersonal
"IThou" relationship, two individuals are seen as fully present and interconnected, intimate, for the feeling of others
IIt" relationship, one individual is seen as an object or a means to an end. For purpose.goals, no intimate relationship, for professionalism only.
"IWe" relationship is similar to the "I-Thou" relationship in that it involves a sense of connection and interdependence, but it involves more than two individuals.
i-thou is a world of encounters and relationships where there are persons.
wayofseeming - proceeds from what you wish to seem or to appear something rather than yourself, one desires to impress one another.
Govern by the image one desires to impress on the others
speechifying - it is hearing without listening to what one says
-it allows the person to see that person is different
-own uniqueness
imposition or unfolding is telling the other how he or she should act base on my self without thinking of there own action or reasons
‘’Love me for what i am’’ karencarpenters song that talks about you should love someone the way they want not the way you want.
3 obstacle of dialogue imposition, speechifying, wayofseeming
The fundamental separation the three things are
Pleasure, Camaraderie, Hobbies
"A Phenomenology of Love’’ for Manuel B Dy Jr - explores the subjective and lived experiences of love, emphasizing the personal and unique nature of love encounters.
Paolo Freire who wrote about the book ‘’ the pedagogy of the oppressed’’ according to this book there are to types of teaching banking and dialogical
Banking method the teacher deposits information then later on withdraw it by examination
While Dialogicalmethod in this method the teacher let the student fold on what they think is right.true,beautiful in this way both of them learn.
‘’Loves makes you an individual ‘’ virginia woolf
‘’The world is deep, deeper than day can comprehend ‘’ Nietzsche
Erich fromm the ‘’author of art of loving ‘’ we fall into the instance because we care more to be loved, than loving
Self realizations - inevitably takes place within the context of intersubjective and social relations
Analytical Thinking : Breaking down problems into smaller parts and solving them individually.
Reductive Thinking : Simplifying problems by finding a single solution that can be applied to the entire problem.
Derivational Thinking : Creating new ideas and solutions by building on existing knowledge and experiences.
Michael Aurelio poem “a love sooner than later”
MichaelAurelio poem “a love sooner than later” - love requires a decision and deciding to love requires responsibility
Analytical thinking breaks down complex problems for a detailed understanding.
Reductive thinking simplifies problems by finding a single solution.
Derivational thinking generates new ideas by building on existing knowledge
Phenomenology : Study of conscious experiences and phenomena.
Sorrow : Intense emotions, especially when someone close to you dies; a mother’s plea to exchange her life for her child’s showcases the finality of death.