the recruitment and selection process - job description - person specification - job advertisement - screening candidates - selection tests - interview - reference check - job offer
job description - written outline of the job title, duties and responsibilities associated with the role - may include details of pay and the person to whom the employee will report
person specification - outlines the qualifications, skills, characteristics and experience needed by the person to fill the role - helps the HR manager draft an accurate job description in order to attract the most suitable candidates
job advertisement - based on the job description and person specification - should be advertised in the location that will be seen by the largest number of potential candidates - eg. firms website or an recruitment website
screening candidates - match the job application received against the job description and person specification
selection tests - HR manager may conduct a range of selection tests to further shortlist the candidates - including personality or intelligence tests
interview - candidates who perform successfully at the selection test stage are called for interview - the candidate is asked job-related questions to assess their suitability for the job
reference check - conducts a reference check on the candidates who peformed best at interview - is usually provided by someone who can confirm the education and work experience details given by the candidate
job offer - HR manager makes a job offer to the successful candidate, usually by phone - a formal job offer is then sent to the candidate in writing and it includes details such as the job title, salary and length of probationary period
internal recruitment means that the business fills job vacancies with existing employees in the workforce
external recruitment - employers use the external labour market to find new employees to fill job vacancies
advantages of external recruitment - best candidate, new ideas, introduce change and more skills
disadvantages of external recruitment - lower employee motivation, cost, slower integration time and unsuitable employee
benefits of recruitment and selection - increased productivity, new ideas and employee retention