
    Cards (10)

    • Natural experiments - High ecological validity
    • Lorenz study supports?
      Idea of imprinting
    • What did Guiton show?
      That imprinting can be reversed through socialisation by their own species
    • Why was animal studies conducted?
      Due to ethical issues with studying human attachment
    • Lorenz study influenced who?
      Bowlby and Ainsworth with human attachments
    • Criticism: What was there a limited opportunity of?
      Goslings to choose their imprinted parents
    • Why is it a limitation to use animal studies and to understand human attachments?
      There's a difference in brain development, cognitive abilities and social complexity
    • Issue with generalising findings and conclusions from birds to humans?
      • The mammalian attachment system is quite different from that of birds
      • For example: mammalian mothers show more emotional attachment to their young
      • This means that it isn't appropriate to generalise Lorenz's ideas to humans
    • Supports the concept of imprinting?
      • Guiton (66) found that chicks imprinted on yellow washing up gloves would try to mate with them as adults
      • This suggests that young animals are born with an innate mechanism to imprint on a moving object present in the critical window of development
      • This suggests that there's an innate mechanism causing a young animal to imprint on a moving object during in the critical period of development
    • Some of Lorenz's observations and conclusions have been questioned?
      • Guiton (66) found that chickens imprinted on yellow washing-up gloves tried to mate with them as adults
      • But with experience they learned to mate with their own kind
      • This study suggests that the effects of imprinting aren't as long-lasting as Lorenz believed
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