Geology is the study of the earth, also known as geoscience, which looks at the earth's formation, structure, composition, and the processes acting on it.
Meteorology is the studyof the atmosphereandelementsthatproduceweather.
Oceanography is thestudyof the composition and movements of sea water, coastal processes, seafloor, topography, and marine life.
Astronomy is the studyoftheuniverse, planets’ origin and members of the solar system.
The presentbeginswith our pastbecauseitiswhereitallstarted from.
Our past decisions and experiencesareresponsible for current eventsthathappen to us.
The pastmay tend to repeat itselffor both goodandbadcauses.
The past may offerussolutions to previous conflictsso that unfortunate eventscouldnothappenagain.
GenesisdescribeshowGod separated lightfromdarkness, and created the sky, land, sea, moon, stars, and every living creaturein a span of six days.
Rigvedadescribes the universe as anoscillating universe like Egg and Big Crunch.
Anaxagorasbelieved in aprimordialuniverse and explained that theoriginal state of the cosmos was amixture of all its ingredients like dust, matter, and other particles.
Leucippus and Democritusbelieved in anatomicuniverse where everythingisconnected.
Aristotle and Ptolemyproposed a geocentricmodel where theEarthismotionless in the heavens and everythingrevolvesaroundit.
Theory of Heliocentrismsuggests that thesunis the centerof the universe; motionless, Earth and other planets revolve around it.
GiordanoBrunosuggests that thesolar systemisnot the center of the universe; it is justanotherstar systemamonginfinite multitude of others.
Isaac Newton describestheuniverseas a static, unstable, steady-state, andinfinite universe.
Rene Descartes outlined a Cartesian vortex model with many characteristics of Newton’s static, infinite universe.
AlbertEinsteinassumed that theuniverseis a static, dynamically-stable universe, which is neither expandingnorcontracting.
Big Bang Theorysuggests that theuniverse is expanding which startsfrom a tiny dense point, with matternotpresentatthebeginning of time; onlypure energy compressed in a single point called “singularity”.
Georges Lemaitrelaid the fundamental statement of Big Bang Theory.
Hubbledemonstrated the continuous expanding universe through observation of galactic red shifts.
Penzias and Wilsondiscoveredthecosmic microwave background radiation.
Steady State Theorysuggests that theuniverseisalwaysexpandingbutmaintaining a constant average density, with matter being continuously createdtoform new stars and galaxies at the same rate that old ones become unobservable.
Sir Hermann Bondi, Thomas Gold, and Sir Fred Hoyle (1948) proposed Steady State Theory.
InflationaryUniversesuggests that theuniverseunderwent a short andsuddenepisode of great expansionrightafter the Big Bang, a phenomenon calledinflation.
Sir Roger Penrose and Stephen Hawking (1981) proposedInflationary Universe.
Law is a mathematical statement that tellshowsomething happens.
Earth is situated in the Habitable Zone (Goldilocks Zone) - the distancefromastar where liquid watercanexistin its liquid form.
Inflation is a theoryabout the early universe.
Protoplanet Hypothesis is the current working mode for the formationoftheSolar System, it incorporates many of the componentsof the nebular hypothesis, butadds some new aspects.
Hypothesis is a researched and reason law guess about why something happens.
A system is a setofinterconnected componentsthat are interacting to form a unified whole.
Water is the mostabundance molecule in cells, 70%ormoreofcell mass is water, and thepresenceofwaterallowed the first photosynthetic organismstothrive.
Earth is calledaunique planet due to the presenceofliquidwater, anavailable heat source, and anexistenceofanatmosphere.
CMBlastscattering is a theory about the early universe.
Theory is something that answers why.
Nebular Hypothesis is the most generallyaccepted evolutionary modelfortheoriginsofsolarsystems.
Heatdrivesthedifferent systemsnecessary to support life on Earth.
Multiverse is a theoryabout the existence of an infinityofuniverses, allwiththeirownlawsofphysics, their own collectionsofstars and galaxies and maybe even their own intelligent civilizations.