Joints wear and tear. Cartilage can be lost. Bony growths developing can become inflamed.cartilage may lose elasticity and wear over time. Tendons and legiments could stretch forcing bones to rub against each other.
Family history
Due to operation or damage by an injury, bone didn't have enough time to heal.
Rheumatoid arthritis
Varied by person
Joints swell and become hot and tender
Rheumatoid nodules may form under skin affected and swell
Explanation of Rheumatoid arthritis
Immune system accidentally attacks the cells that line joints
Synovial membrane becomes inflamed and sore.
Cartilage is destroyed
Scar tissue replaces damaged cartilage misshapen the joint and makes it rigid.
Causes of Rheumatoid arthritis
Not knows really
Virus or infection could have caused it, theoretically. And triggers an autoimmune response. Where body attacks its own tissues by sending antibodies in lining of the joints.
Smoking and hormones- common more in women due to high oestrogen levels
Inherited- but rarely
Arthritis- treatment
Steroids + NSAIDs (non steroidal anti infallamtory drugs) to reduce swelling and inflammation of joints
Corticosteroids injection to relive pain
Sulements such as glucosamine to relive symptoms
Arthritis- treatment
Joint manipulation- exercise to keep joints flexible and maintain mobility as well as strengthen muscle.
Walking sticks, splits to take weight off joint
TENS- small device to reduc pain
Arthroscopic to clean debris in joint
Arthroplasty- replace joint with knee replacement to renew affected joint