Constantine moved the capital of the Roman empire from Rome to byzantine. Thi city was later called Constantinople and became the capital of a powerful empire the byzantine empire
When the western Roman empire collapsed in 476 C.E the eastern roman empire remained strong
The empire reacheditspeak under the rule of the emperor Justinian
In 527 C.E Justinian became emperor. He is considered as the greatest and strongest leader of the byzantine empire
Justinian implemented renovatio imperii or "renovation of the empire"
Corpus juris civilis or the "code of civil rights" it is also called the Justinian code
Justinian also built aqueducts, bathhouses, and bridges
The death of Justinian marked the gradual decline of the empire
The ottoman turks led by sultan mahmed II invaded Constantinople
The turks changed the its name from Constantinople to Istanbul and made it the capital of the ottoman empire