3.5.1 Setting financial objectives

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  • Financial objectives are the specific focused aims and goals of the finance department function within an organisation
  • Financial stratagies are the medium to long term plans designed to achieve the firms financial objectives
  • Finanical tactics are the short term financial measurements abated to meet the needs of a short term threat or opportunity
  • Profit maximisation is achieved by increasing revenue, reducing costs and managing working capital effectively
  • Revenue can be increased through price increases, selling more products/services, expanding into new markets etc.
  • Why would a business set finanical objectives?
    To survive/break even
    Provide a focus
    Motivate employees
    Become efficient
  • Whare are some drawbacks of financial objectives?
    Things change - become out of date
    If not reached staff become demotivated
    Lack of data - can’t create realistic goals
  • What are some financial objectives?
    Return on investment
    Capital structure
    Cash flow
  • Gross profit = sales revenue - direct costs (variable costs)
  • operating profit = gross profit - indirect costs (expenses)
  • profit for the year = operating profit - final costs
  • Revenue growth is aiming to grow total revenues by 10% or reach £1 million in sales during a year
  • Sales maximisation is the aim to maximise total sales regardless of weather those sales are profitable to increase market share or induce economies of scales
  • Costs minimisation aims to achieve the most cost-effective way of delivering goods and services to the required level of quality
  • How can a firm cut costs?
    Squeezing suppliers - undermining profits, using brand size
    Reducing wages
    Better recruitment
    Boosting productivity through investment
    Move production
  • Benedits of effective cost minimisation?
    Lower unit costs
    Higher operating profits
    Improved cash flow
    Higher return on investment
  • What is return on investment?
    How much your getting back from your investment
  • Return on investment (ROI) is a measure of a firms profitability, ROI targets are set as a percentage of the initial investment, it is
    • benchmark to industry standard
    • internal benchmark
    • external factors
  • ROI = (operating profit) / (capital invested) x 100
  • The capital of a business represents the finance provided to it to enable it to operate over the long-term, there are 2 parts
    • equity
    • debt
  • Equity is the amount investest by the owners of the business
  • Debt is finance provided to the business by external parties
  • What are the pros of debt for capital?
    All future profits stay within the business
  • What are the cons of debt for capital?
    Have to pay it back plus intrest
  • What are the pros of equity for capital?
    Don‘t have to pay back
    Don’t have to pay interest
  • What are the cons of equity for capital?
    Profits belong to share holders
  • debt equity ratio = (debt/equity) x 100
  • Reasons for high equity?
    Greater business risk
    More flexibility required
  • Reasons for high levels of debt?
    Interest rates high = cheap debt
    Profits and cash flows are strong debt paid easily