Fight or Flight

Cards (11)

  • What does fight or flight respond to?
  • What is fight or flight?
    An evolutionary survival mechanism
  • What does it do to out bodies and minds?
    Primes it for extreme action either fihting for our lives or escaping the threat
  • What happens to our bodies after at has passed?
    returns to homeostasis
  • Why isn’t fight or flight designed for the modern world?
    its maladaptive in most situations
  • What is acute stress?
    short term stress response , a response to immediate pressures such as sitting in a job interview
  • What is the benefit of acute stress?
    it allows for extra alertness and thinking on your feet
  • What is chronic stress?
    long term stress response, response to prolonged emotional pressure such as exams
  • What’s the process of fight or flight?
    • Recognise the threat and enter a stress response , the hypothalamus triggers ANS and endocrine system via the pituitary gland
    • The adrenal glands are important for both pathways - adrenal medulla and cortex
    • HPA axis activation via endocrine system, hypothalamus stimulates the pituitary gland which release ACTH which secreres cortisol from the adrenal cortex
    • SAM pathway is the connecting from the brain to the adrenal glands, releases adrenaline and noradrenaline from the adrenal medulla
  • What are the roles of adrenaline and noradrenaline during fight or flight?
    • Increases blood flow to the brain and skeletal muscles for quick thinking and reactions
    • Decrease blood flow to other systems that aren’t time critical such as the skin, digestive and immune system
    • Dilated pupils for improved vision
    • Faster breathing rate for increased oxygen consumption
    • increased sweat to remove heat
    • psychologicka effects of increased anxiety, attention and increased alertness
  • What are the stress related illnesses?
    • increase the risk of hear disease, obesity and IBS (irritated bowel syndrome)
    • General lowering of resistance to disease
    • can result in depression