
Subdecks (11)

Cards (198)

  • Klaus and Kennel:
    • compared mothers who have extended physical contact (PC) with mothers who only had PC when feeding
    • Results showed mothers in the extended PC group cuddled their infants more and made greater eye contact.
    • Suggests that greater physical contact leads to stronger and closer attachment
    • Led to hospitals placing mothers and infants in the same room after birth
    1. Bick et al (2012) found 94% agreement when deciding the attachment type between different observers watching the same children.
    1. Takahashi (1990) notes that Japanese mothers are rarely separated from infants, thus the infants show high levels of separation anxiety. 
  • The mean IQ scores were:
    • for those adopted before 6 months = 102
    • for those children adopted between 6 months and 2 years = 86
    • for those adopted after the age of 2 = 77
  • Aims of Hazan and Shaver (1987):
    A study to test the internal working model and the association between adult relationships