Remembering the PEELs - Influence of early attachment
Correlational research
Retrospective study
Supporting study
Overly deterministic
Real life application
PEELs - Influence of early attachment
Weakness - research is correlational not experimental and can’t determine a cause and effect relationship between early attachment and later love style
weakness with the methodology
PEELs - Influence of early attachment
2) Weakness - most studies are retrospective so events may not be remembered accurately
results of the study aren’t valid
PEELs - Influence of early attachment
3) Strength - supporting study - Simpson et al (2007) found similar findings to Hazan and Schaver.
gives empirical evidence
PEELs - Influence of early attachment
4) weakness - overly deterministic - not good for insecure attachment types as they are given a sense of doom. Therefore can’t learn from the environment.
isn’t a full explanation
PEELs - Influence of early attachment
5) Strength - real life application - can be used in therapy to help families who have poor relationships or even individuals struggling with friendships or romantic relationships
gains explanatory power
The internal working model works as a template for future relationships
The influence of early attachment can affect:
childhood friendships
poor parenting
romantic relationships
mental health
Hazan and Shaver (1987): RM
Volunteer sampling with a cross sectional design
Procedure of Hazan and Shaver (1987):
Analysed 620 responses to a love quiz in an American newspaper
The quiz contained current or most important relationships, general love experiences and questions about attitude torwards love
Results of Hazan and Shaver (1987):
Attachment styles were similar to those found in babies
56% secure
25% avoidant
19% resistant
Results of Hazan and Shaver (1987):
secure babies had better love experiences
relationship lengths
10 years - secure
5 years - resistant
6 years - avoidant
Conclusion of Hazan and Shaver (1987):
Found a relationship between the conception of love (internal working model)and attachment type
Attachment type is correlational with quality of peer relationships in childhood
secure babies form the best quality childhood friendships whereas insecure babies have friendship difficulties
Bullying in childhood - Wilson and Smith(1998):
bullying involvement using a standard questionnaire