Manual construction of model for a given problem may be impossible :
export not aivable
problem too complex
goal : construct a structured model of the (hidden) distribution most likely underlying the oberserved samples (Automatic Model Learning)
Automatic model learning assumptions :
unkown distribution
training examples are representative of the world
task : learn the model with a distribution that is an approxamtion to the "training set" model and with a graph structure that reflects the true (in)dependencies in the world
Learning as optimisation general approach :
define an objective function F(M,D) : a measure that estimates how "good" a given model M is in relation to the given training examples
develop an algortihm to find the model that maximes F
learning is a search/optimisation problem
Likelihood of a Model M
relative to a dataset D is the probability that the model assigns to the set D : L(M:D)=PM(D)
If the examples D are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d), the likelihood L(M:D) is L(M:D)=PM(D)=Πxi∈DPM(xi)
Likelihood : is the product of the probabilities assigned by the model to the individual training examples
Problems with the likelihood function :
probability will be miniscule
arithmetic underflow
solution : log-likelihood
The Log-likelihood l(M,D) of a Model M relative to a dataset D is the logarithm of the likelihood