The story of El Filibusterismo revolved around the main character, Simoun, who was a rich jeweler.
Simoun was actually Crisostomo Ibarra of the Noli whom everyone thought was killed by the guardia civil at the Laguna de Bay thirteen years ago.
Ibarra was able to escape and fled to Cuba.
Simoun planned to launch a revolution which he started by smuggling arms and recruiting followers, mainly from the exploited and abused natives.
With the help of Capitan Tiago, Basilio was able to study medicine in Manila.
Kabesang Tales was a former cabeza de barangay who was maltreated by the friars.
The second attempt at starting a revolution entailed the planting of a bomb -a kerosene lamp with an explosive, at the wedding reception of PaulitaGomez and Juanito Pelaez.
Simoun took refuge in the house of a kind Filipino priest, Padre Florentino.
Instead of surrendering to the authorities, Simoun poisoned himself.
The story ended with Padre Florentino throwing Simoun’s jewels into the sea so that they would not be used by the greedy.