Chapter 3

Cards (15)

  • Neuron - basic working unit of the brain, specialized cells that are responsible for transmitting nerve impulses

    Responsible for experiences through senses
  • Glia - smaller but more numerous than neurons
    Other cells that support and coordinate activity between neurons, also remove waste
  • ~100 Bil. neurons in the nervous system, they are found in the brain and spinal cord
  • 3 Basic parts of Neurons:
    • Cell Body - contains nucleus
    • Dendrite - widely branching structures that receive input from other neurons
    • Axon - longs, thin, straight fiber that transports impulses recieved from dendrite

    Axons are insulated by Myelin Sheath which helps speed up transmission
  • Neuron Pathway:
    A) Axon
    B) Myelin Sheath
    C) Dendrites
    D) Axon Terminals
    E) Nuceus
    F) Cell Body
    • Action Potential - the excitation that travels along the axon at a constant strength, all-or-nothing law, active voltage
    • Resting Potential - the neuron is not excited, resting voltage 

    Ex. When a light is turned on it has action potential, if its turned off then it is resting potential because it can be turned on.
  • Synapses - specialized junctions between neurons
  • Neurotransmitter - chemical that activates receptors on other neurons

    Chemicals can be consumed (caffeine) or natural (melatonin, hormones)
  • Presynaptic Neuron - neuron that sends impulse, before the synapse
    Postsynaptic Neuron - neuron that receives the impulse after the synapse
  • Synapses can cause chemicals to be processes or withheld
  • Agonist - a drug that increases the activity at a synapse

    Antagonist - a drug that decreases the activity at a synapse
  • Stimulants - drugs that increase energy, alertness, and activity
    Ex. - Ecstasy, Speed, Methamphetamines, Cocaine, Cigarettes, Caffeine
    Dopamine, chemical that bring happiness and relieves pain. L-dopa, chemical similar to dopamine that's used to treat Parkinsons.
  • Hallucinogens - drugs that induce sensory distortions
    Ex. - magic mushrooms, Special K (Ketamine), acid
  • Narcotics - drugs that produce drowsiness, insensitivity to pain, and decreased responsiveness
    Ex. - Opium, Morphine, Codeine, Heroin, Vicodin, OxyCotin
    Narcan treats narcotic overdoses
  • Monism - mental activity and brain activity are inseparable
    • the mind is separate yet inseparable from the brain
    • the mind uses the brain and the brains responds to the mind
    • the mind also changes the brain