Cards (10)

  • Values are what we deem to be important.
  • Norms are action guiding by rules, normal behaviour.
  • Culture refers to a way of life for a particular society or part of society, consisting of beliefs, traditions, values, norms, customs, language, symbols, history and knowledge that are all specific to that group or society.
  • Culture is partly composed of symbols that people use to convey meaning.
  • Abbott- 1998 – language – important symbol- without language communication is limited.
  • At birth culture already exists.
  • Culture helps the people work out their place in society.
  • Dominant and common culture is the main type of culture in a society which is accepted by most people.
  • Cultural diversity refers to the idea that there is difference between cultures, all the ideas that are within one society exist as have a wider cultural value.
  • Multiculturalism refers to the idea that all cultures, races and ethnicities should have their differences acknowledge and accepted.