How much waste does London generate approximately?
20 million tonnes PER YEAR
What are the main destinations for London's bulk waste?
recycling, incineration as fuel to generate electricity and/or heat buildings, and landfill
What has happened since 2000?
Landfill has reduced considerably but in recent years waste reduction and recycling have STAGNATED and further waste diverted from landfill has instead SHIFTED TO INCINERATION
What does London use barges to do?
to take waste to landfill sites
what are used in london to take waste to landfill sites?
What is "Mucky Marsh"?
a square mile of land in the Thames Estuary has been filled with rubbish.
how much land in the UK is covered in waste?
109 square miles
what is a company doing to reuse?
picking up rubbish and shipping it back to China to reuse
Which place had the lowest recycling rate of all the English regions since 2003?
there are wide variations in recycling rates between london boroughs
in general which boroughs have lower recycling rates?