Cards (27)

  • The oral cavity is lined with moist stratified squamous epithelium, which protects against abrasion.
  • 2 divisions of the oral cavity:
    • Vestibule - space between lips/cheeks and the teeth
    • Oral cavity proper - lies medial to the teeth
  • Lips (labia) - muscular structures formed by orbicularis oris muscle and connective tissue
  • Cheeks - form lateral walls of the oral cavity
    Substance of cheek:
    • Buccinator muscle - flatten the cheek against the teeth
    • Buccal fat pad - rounds out side profile of the face
  • Palate - roof of the oral cavity; separates the oral and nasal cavity
    2 parts:
    • Hard palate - anterior bony part
    • Soft palate - posterior nonbony part
  • Uvula - posterior projection from the soft palate
  • Fauces - posterior boundary of oral cavity, opening into the pharynx
  • Palatine tonsils - located in the lateral wall of the fauces
  • Tongue - large, muscular organ that occupies most of the oral cavity when closed
  • Lingual frenulum - connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth
  • Muscles of the tongue:
    • Intrinsic muscles - within the tongue itself
    • Extrinsic muscles - outside the tongue but attached to it
  • Terminal sulcus - divides the tongue into two parts
    • Anterior to terminal sulcus - covered by papillae, some of which containing taste buds
    • Posterior to terminal sulcus - lingual tonsil
  • Adults normally have 32 teeth, which are distributed in two dental arches:
    • Maxillary arch
    • Mandibular arch
  • The teeth in each quadrant include:
    • Central and lateral incisor
    • Canine
    • First and second premolars
    • First to third molars
  • Wisdom teeth - third molars, appear in late teens or early twenties
    Embedded wisdom teeth are referred to as impacted, and is surgically removed due to it causing pain and irritation
  • Permanent teeth (secondary teeth) - teeth of the adult mouth; replacements for deciduous teeth (primary or milk teeth)
  • Each tooth consists of:
    • Crown
    • Neck
    • Root
  • Dental caries (tooth decay) - breakdown of enamel by bacterial acids on the tooth surface
  • Periodontal disease - inflammation and degradation of the periodontal ligaments, gingiva, and alveolar bone; most common cause of tooth loss in adults
  • Gingivitis - inflammation of the gingiva (gums)
  • Halitosis - bad breath
  • Salivary Glands:
    Large salivary glands in the oral cavity:
    • Parotid glands - largest salivary gland; produces watery saliva
    • Submandibular glands
    • Sublingual glands - smallest
    Small salivary glands:
    • Lingual glands
    • Palatine glands
    • Buccal glands
    • Labial glands
  • Saliva - combination of serous and mucous secretions by the salivary glands
  • The parotid and submandibular glands secrete 1-1.5 L of saliva per day.
  • Mucin - a proteoglycan that gives a lubricating quality to the secretions of salivary glands
  • Saliva contains lysozyme, which contains IgA and has a weak antibacterial action
  • The serous part of saliva contains a digestive enzyme called salivary amylase.