What is development?

Cards (8)

  • What is GNI per capita?
    Gross National Income per person.this is an countries whole income at the end of the year divided by the population
  • What is life expectancy?
    The average number of years a person is expected to live.
  • What is HDI?
    Human Development Index which combines health,education and GDP
  • what is literacy rate?
    The percentage of people in a population who can read and write.
  • Which indicators are in the standered of living?
    Income, education, healthcare, housing, and access to basic necessities.
  • What indicators are in the quality of life?
    Health, education, income, housing, and social connections.
  • What are the positives of HDI?
    encompasses multiple develop indicators both social/ecnomic
  • What are the negatives of HDI?
    some countries may not have data so it doesn’t paint a picture in the whole world
    .doesnt include enough indicators